If you’re eager to sweep into the entrepreneurial world, mastering how to start a commercial cleaning business from scratch might be your gateway to success.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Understand the Commercial Cleaning Industry
  2. 2. Choose Your Commercial Cleaning Niche
  3. 3. Create a Business Plan and Establish Your Brand
  4. 4. Navigate Legal Requirements and Register Your Business
  5. 5. Invest in Equipment and Staff Training
  6. 6. Develop Marketing Strategies to Attract and Retain Clients
  7. FAQ

Transitioning this venture from a side hustle to a lucrative full-time career requires more than just a mop and bucket. You’ll be operating on a grander scale, tackling spaces such as offices and retail stores, compared to smaller, residential dwellings.

Now, let’s scrub down the steps to start a commercial cleaning business and turn your startup into a polished and professional operation.

This guide throws you into the whirlwind of starting a successful commercial cleaning business, from choosing a catchy name to wrapping your head around the legalities of forming an LLC or a corporate entity.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the unique demands of commercial cleaning compared to residential.
  • Develop a detailed business plan specialized for starting a commercial cleaning operation.
  • Recognize the importance of extensive market research to identify client needs and competition.
  • Choose a legal structure that best suits your business for long-term success.
  • Equip your business with the right tools and train your staff to meet industry standards.
  • Adopt marketing strategies tailored to building a robust clientele.

1. Understand the Commercial Cleaning Industry

If you’re thinking about starting a cleaning business, diving into the commercial cleaning sector offers a lucrative opportunity. However, to excel, knowing the intricacies of commercial cleaning services in comparison to residential cleaning is crucial.

As someone eyeing success in this field, understanding your market, and what it takes to meet customer expectations can make all the difference.

🧠 Did You Know?

The global commercial cleaning market is expected to reach a staggering $633.18 billion by 2030, with a steady growth rate of 6.83%.

That’s a massive opportunity for entrepreneurs like you to tap into!

Let’s explore the essential elements you need to consider before launching your cleaning empire.

Commercial vs Residential Cleaning Services

The key difference between commercial and residential cleaning lies in the scale and environment.

While residential cleaning focuses on maintaining homes and living spaces, commercial cleaning services cater to business premises, ranging from small offices to sprawling corporate complexes.

Specialized equipment and teams trained in types of cleaning ranging from basic sanitation to industry-specific standards are often required.

In offering commercial cleaning, you’ll need to understand different facility needs, from daily upkeep to deep-cleaning protocols.


Explore Market Demand for Commercial Cleaning

Prior to stepping into the industry, conducting thorough market research is indispensable.

Start by analyzing local demand for commercial cleaning services, and look at how well current providers are fulfilling those needs.

Are there niches underserved, such as eco-friendly cleaning or high-tech environments?

Survey potential clients on their satisfaction with current services to identify gaps that your business could fill, focusing on aspects of cleaning efficiency, quality, and customer service to gain a competitive edge.

Key Considerations Before Launching Your Business

To turn the key and start the engine of your commercial cleaning business, you need to fine-tune several elements.

First, define your target market. Who will you serve? Next, consider business volume and your capacity to handle client demands.

What are your detailed service offerings, and how do they stand out in the market?

Lastly, remember that the backbone of any service industry is customer service excellence. Ensure you have a well-trained, customer-focused team ready to deliver top-notch service across all types of cleaning jobs to secure clients’ trust and repeat business.

  • Determine your target demographic and their specific cleaning needs
  • Evaluate the market size and how much business volume you can take on
  • Detail your service offerings, and align them with market demand
  • Emphasize exceptional customer service in your business plan

Taking these factors into account not only prepares you for launching a cleaning business but sets a solid foundation for success.

Your objective is to provide a service that reflects the highest standards of cleanliness and customer satisfaction—hallmarks of a thriving commercial cleaning enterprise.

💡 Pro Tip: 

Before you grab the broom, invest in an employee management app like Connecteam.

It streamlines operations, simplifies scheduling, and keeps your team connected – all in one user-friendly platform.

Get started with Connecteam for free today and see how we can help your cleaning business sparkle!

2. Choose Your Commercial Cleaning Niche

Carving out a niche within the vast commercial cleaning business landscape gives you the competitive edge necessary for your business to thrive.

Specializing allows you to focus your marketing efforts and cater to specific client demands, standing out amidst a sea of general service providers.

It’s about understanding which customer-chosen options best align with your business model and enhancing your reputation by using certified cleaning materials that not only clean effectively but are also safe and environmentally responsible.

  • Eco-Friendly Cleaning: This niche caters to environmentally conscious clients by using products that are certified to be eco-friendly, reducing the carbon footprint while maintaining high cleanliness standards.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools and universities provide a unique opportunity for tailored cleaning services that ensure a safe and sanitary environment for students and faculty.
  • Medical Facilities: With the critical requirement for sterility and rigorous cleaning procedures, positioning your services to meet the high standards of cleanliness in medical settings can be highly lucrative.
  • Custom Cleaning Plans: Offering tailored cleaning services that adjust to the specific needs of a business demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and adaptability.

🧠 Did You Know?

The demand for eco-friendly cleaning services is growing rapidly, with more and more companies looking for sustainable cleaning solutions. Before getting started see how much money you can charge for different kinds of cleaning services.

By investing in niche services, you leverage your ability to meet specialized needs, which often means you can also command higher prices for the value you’re providing.

When customers see that you’re equipped with certified cleaning materials and are dedicated to their specific needs, trust builds, and your commercial cleaning business becomes synonymous with quality and precision.

Remember, your choice of niche will shape your marketing strategy, the training of your personnel, and even your inventory of supplies and equipment.

So, take the time to research and understand the unique challenges and benefits of the niche you choose to ensure it aligns with your business goals and capabilities.

3. Create a Business Plan and Establish Your Brand

Embarking on the journey of starting your own commercial cleaning business requires not just elbow grease but also strategic forethought and planning.

With the right preparation and branding, your business can polish its way to the top of the industry. It begins with crafting a meticulous business plan and developing a brand identity that resonates with your prospective clients.

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Read our guide on the 8 best cleaning business software solutions of 2024.

Outline Your Business Goals and Objectives

Every successful business is built on a foundation of clear goals and achievable objectives. They act as a roadmap, guiding your cleaning businesses along the path of growth and success.

When putting together your business plan, consider the market need your company will address and how it intends to operate and scale over time.

  1. Identify the specific commercial markets and sectors you will serve.
  2. Set realistic financial targets for your first few years, adjusting for growth and expansion.
  3. Establish milestones for services offered, tapping into niche markets that may be underserved.

Create a seamless plan that encapsulates your business ethos while also keeping an eye to the competitive landscape. This clarity in objectives will serve as your business compass.

🧠 Did You Know?

The average profit margin for commercial cleaning businesses is between 10% and 15%. However, with good management and niche specialization, this can be increased to 20% or even higher.

Develop a Strategic Marketing Plan

Visibility is crucial in growing any business, particularly in the commercial cleaning industry. A strategic marketing plan helps ensure that your services are seen by the right people at the right time. Utilize both inbound and outbound marketing strategies to attract a loyal clientele.

  • Develop partnerships with local businesses for mutual referral opportunities.
  • Invest in a strong online presence, including a professional website and social media marketing.
  • Implement targeted advertising campaigns that highlight the unique selling propositions of your cleaning business.

By combining traditional marketing with digital outreach, your commercial cleaning business planning can create a comprehensive campaign that reaches and retains customers.

Understand the Importance of Brand Identity

Brand identity goes beyond a logo or a color scheme; it’s the essence of your business’s public perception.

Creating a strong, memorable brand can help ensure that your commercial cleaning service stands out in a crowded market.

  • Design a logo that reflects your brand’s ethos and appeals to your target market.
  • Choose a company name and tagline that effectively convey the value and quality of your services.
  • Implement consistent branding across all marketing materials and customer touchpoints to build recognition and trust.

Remember that your brand should tell your business’s story, and your story should speak to the high-quality, reliable service you promise to deliver.

With thoughtful brand identity elements in place, your business will not only attract customers but also build a strong reputation that lasts.

Having a sturdy legal framework not only solidifies your business’s credibility but also ensures smooth sailing through the operational waters.

Let’s unpack the necessities of establishing your business’s legal roots.

Choose the Right Business Structure

When you think of the foundation for your company, think of your business structure. This choice influences taxes, personal liability, and your ability to raise capital.

Commonly, small businesses lean towards the simplicity of a sole proprietorship, while those looking for liability protection gravitate to an LLC or corporation.

Deliberate carefully, potentially with a legal advisor, to determine the best path for your cleaning venture.

Register Your Business and Secure Licenses

Once your foundation is set, it’s time to register your business. This step legitimizes your establishment and is crucial for being recognized by both the government and clients.

The process typically involves obtaining a business license for cleaning services and other relevant permits, which vary by location.

Remember, a vendor’s license is often part of this licensing medley, which allows you to sell products or services.

Protect Your Business with Insurance Policies

With the paperwork squared away, guarding your enterprise is next on the agenda.

General liability insurance is critical, as it provides a safety net against claims of property damage or personal injury caused by your services.

Furthermore, consider adding commercial property and workers’ compensation insurance to your arsenal for comprehensive coverage. Read more about the importance of acquiring cleaning business insurance.

5. Invest in Equipment and Staff Training

As you embark on establishing your commercial cleaning business, one critical step is to equip your cleaning team with the right tools for success.

This not only includes acquiring top-notch cleaning supplies and commercial cleaning equipment but also emphasizes the importance of specialized equipment.

Your investment in this area demonstrates a commitment to quality service and can greatly enhance your team’s efficiency and effectiveness.


Employee training is another cornerstone of your business’s foundation.

By providing systematic and ongoing training, you ensure that your staff is knowledgeable and proficient with the specialized equipment and cleaning techniques necessary for commercial spaces.

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We spoke to cleaning industry experts and collected their tips train cleaning staff and insights on hiring professional cleaners

We reviewed the top payroll software for cleaning businesses in 2024.

Not only does this boost your team’s confidence in handling complex scenarios, but it also fosters a professional and capable workforce that can uphold the high standards your clients expect.

  • Standard Cleaning Supplies: Mops, brooms, and cleaning chemicals are essential for everyday tasks.
  • Specialized Equipment: For larger spaces, floor waxers and industrial vacuums increase productivity.
  • Employee Training: A trained staff leads to consistent quality and client satisfaction.
  • Transport Solutions: Ensure that you can safely move your team and equipment to various locations.

Remember, the right investments in training and equipment do more than just maintain your brand’s reputation; they drive the growth and scalability of your commercial cleaning services.

Equip your team with the tools and knowledge they need, and watch your business thrive.

🧠 Did You Know?

Connecteam lets you easily put together a training course and deliver mobile training courses for your frontline teams. They can complete the course from anywhere, saving you valuable time and money and ensuring compliance.

Get started with Connecteam for free today!

6. Develop Marketing Strategies to Attract and Retain Clients

In the competitive domain of commercial cleaning, your ability to draw in clientele while maintaining a loyal customer base is pivotal.

Crafting an arsenal of savvy cleaning business marketing strategies can set you apart, making the difference between a fledgling operation and a flourishing enterprise.

Effective Advertising Techniques for Local Outreach

Engaging with your community through targeted advertising is an astute way to solidify your presence.

By identifying and capitalizing on local advertising opportunities, whether that be through newspaper spots, sponsorships for local sports teams, or engaging community boards, you are planting roots for your business within the local landscape.

Participation in local events or forming alliances with property management firms can not only increase visibility but also establish your brand as a trusted pillar of the community, essential for attracting customers.

Leverage Social Media and Digital Platforms

In today’s digitally-dominated market, your commercial cleaning business’s visibility on social media and other online platforms is non-negotiable for client retention and attraction.

An engaging, well-maintained social media presence can position your company as easily accessible and responsive to client needs.

Sharing before-and-after photos of your work, client testimonials, and cleaning tips can highlight your brand’s value and expertise, encouraging both engagement and sharing, which are the cornerstones of effective advertising in the digital sphere.

Build a Strong Referral Network

A robust referral network stands as one of the most potent tools in your marketing toolkit.

Cultivating such a network involves more than just exquisite service delivery; it requires building relationships.

By encouraging satisfied customers to spread the word through referral programs or discounts, you transform them into advocates for your brand.

Coupled with tangible tokens like business cards or small tokens of appreciation, such efforts not only affirm the client’s decision to choose your services but also pave the way for new customers to discover you.


What are the first steps in starting a commercial cleaning business from scratch?

Starting a commercial cleaning business from scratch requires creating a detailed business plan outlining your services, understanding your target market, securing necessary finances, choosing a business structure, registering your business, and obtaining the proper licenses and insurance policies. Additionally, you would need to invest in quality cleaning supplies and equipment, as well as hire and train staff to be ready for operation.

How do commercial cleaning services differ from residential cleaning?

Commercial cleaning services focus on business environments such as offices, schools, and hospitals which often have larger spaces and unique cleaning needs. These services are typically provided during off-hours to prevent disruptions to daily operations, may require specialized equipment, and adhere to different standards and protocols than residential cleaning, which deals with cleaning people’s homes.

How can I explore and assess the market demand for commercial cleaning?

You can assess market demand by conducting thorough market research. This includes identifying potential clients, evaluating competition, analyzing market trends, and gathering customer feedback. Understanding the specific needs and preferences of your target market will help shape your service offerings and business strategies.

Key legal requirements include choosing the right business structure (e.g., LLC or corporation), registering your business with the state, obtaining a business license, securing the necessary permits, and getting comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against liability and risks associated with cleaning operations.

Why is choosing a niche beneficial for a commercial cleaning business?

Choosing a niche helps set your business apart from competitors and allows you to specialize in services that cater to specific customer needs. This specialization can create a brand identity, increase customer satisfaction, and target market segments that value the unique services you provide, such as eco-friendly cleaning or healthcare facility sanitization.

How do I establish a brand identity for my commercial cleaning business?

Establish a brand identity by creating a memorable business name and logo, defining your unique selling points, and consistently applying your branding across all marketing materials. Your brand identity should reflect the quality and values of your services and be easily recognizable to potential clients.

What marketing strategies should I use to attract clients to my new commercial cleaning business?

Utilize a mix of traditional and digital marketing strategies, such as targeted local advertising, attending and sponsoring community events, networking with property managers, establishing a solid online presence with an SEO-optimized website and active social media profiles, and building a robust referral program to encourage word-of-mouth recommendations.

What kind of cleaning supplies and equipment are essential when starting a commercial cleaning business?

The essentials include a range of standard cleaning supplies like cleaners, cloths, mops, and brushes, as well as specialized equipment such as industrial vacuums, floor cleaners, and possibly steam cleaners. It’s crucial to choose high-quality, durable equipment suitable for the scale and types of cleaning jobs you will be handling in various commercial environments.

Why is staff training important in a commercial cleaning business?

Staff training ensures that your team is capable of performing tasks to the standard required for commercial cleaning, understands safety protocols, and can use the equipment efficiently. Well-trained staff help maintain high-quality service, reduce the risk of accidents or damage, and uphold your business’s reputation for excellence and reliability.

Which insurance policies are necessary for a commercial cleaning business?

Necessary insurance policies often include general liability insurance, commercial property insurance, and workers’ compensation. These protect your business from potential claims arising from property damage, injuries, or accidents that may occur during cleaning operations. It’s advised to consult with an insurance provider to ensure that your business is properly covered based on the services you offer.

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