If you want your business to succeed, operating at the highest possible efficiency is essential. Doing so can help ensure your organization delivers high-quality products and services at affordable overheads.

Devising an effective strategy for improving efficiency will, of course, depend on the industry you work in and the challenges you face. However, following the 10 tips below should help you keep costs down and improve employee productivity.

How Does Workplace Efficiency Improve Your Bottom Line?

One of the most compelling arguments for improving workplace efficiency is that it can reduce waste and boost profits.

A business needs to achieve a decent return on investment from the money it spends on paying its employees and running its premises. Otherwise, it takes a lot of work to turn a profit.

If your company is overspending because of redundant work or outdated machinery, this will eat into your profits. Plus, it will likely create dissatisfaction among leaders and shareholders if you have them. Should this happen, you may find it challenging to grow your company and keep up with competitors.

Improving efficiency in the workplace can also help ensure that you hit deadlines and keep your clients satisfied. If an organization routinely fails to deliver, many clients will lose confidence and take their business elsewhere.

How Does Workplace Efficiency Improve Company Culture?

When people hear the term “efficiency, they often think of company finances, but efficiency also has implications for workplace culture.

An efficient and productive environment can provide workers with an increased sense of stability. This situation is more likely to lead to a satisfied and engaged workforce. In fact, a study from Warwick University found that employees are an average of 12% more productive when they are happy in their working lives.

As a result, employees are also more likely to feel invested in helping your business achieve its objectives. Such an increase in engagement may also lead to reduced staff turnover and better employee retention

10 Top Tips to Increase Efficiency in Your Business

Deciding how to improve efficiency in the workplace will depend on factors such as your business’s size and the sector you work in. 

By adopting these 10 practices, however, you should see an improvement in your company’s efficiency levels.

Set (achievable) goals

As any HR or business leader knows, employees are more likely to feel engaged and motivated when working towards a clear objective. Having both project-level goals and company-level goals can help your people stay focused and measure progress as they hit various milestones. 

At the end of that process, reaching a goal can bring employees an immense sense of satisfaction and boost morale. And if your employees work collaboratively, achieving a shared goal can encourage team camaraderie.

It is, however, important to ensure that your targets are realistic and achievable within your timeframes. If an employee is working towards a goal they cannot meet, they may begin to experience stress or burnout. Feeling under pressure to hit unrealistic goals could also have a negative impact on your employees’ mental health.

As well as damaging well-being, a high-stress work environment could lead to higher rates of sickness and absence. Both of these will ultimately result in lower efficiency levels in your workplace.

One of the most effective ways to avoid this is by setting out the individual milestones your team will need to hit in order to complete a project. You can then allocate specific timing and resources to each milestone. This way, you will have a realistic and complete picture of how much time your staff needs to devote to a project.

Make communication a priority

Effective communication is essential to helping your employees understand your expectations of them. Making project needs, goals, productivity metrics, and quality standards crystal-clear from the beginning helps avoid time-consuming fixes mid-project. After all, without knowing how their performance will be judged, workers will have no way of gauging if they are working effectively.

Honest internal communication can also improve relations between business leaders and staff on the ground. This could also lead to more efficient problem-solving and more streamlined decision-making. 

Furthermore, it is always helpful to encourage employees to speak up if they have suggestions on how to improve efficiency. Often those who work on a project on a daily basis have the best insights on how it can become more efficient.

Improve your employee training

If your employees are not adequately trained, chances are they will not be performing at maximum efficiency. As a result, your business is likely wasting money on labor.

While employee training may involve a short-term expense, it can also make your company run more smoothly in the long term. Once your employees are aware of the most effective ways to perform certain tasks, they can perform more quickly and to a higher standard.

In terms of well-being, it is also unfair to ask your employees to complete complex tasks without providing adequate training. Besides being inefficient, this can cause frustration and decrease morale.

Attractive training opportunities can also increase employee retention. Employees who believe they can progress within a business are far more likely to remain loyal and stay with the company. 

Prevent duplication of work

If you are needlessly employing more than one person to perform the same task, you are almost certainly wasting money.

Imagine that both your legal and your HR team are looking for ways to improve compliance with labor laws. If the two teams work independently of one another, they will likely end up doing some of the same things. By working together, the departments could coordinate their efforts and benefit from improved team building. This scenario would likely lead to both cost savings and better results.

Strong communication between departments is one of the best ways to avoid duplicated work in the workplace.

Consider time-tracking software

When you’re attempting to improve efficiency, you need to know how much time and resources you and your team are spending on core tasks. 

Having this information will help you identify the labor costs involved in completing specific tasks. You can then seek ways to make these areas of your business run more effectively.

One of the most effective ways to monitor employee hours is through employee Time tracking software. This technology will keep a digital record of the amount of time spent per project.

Time-tracking software can also be beneficial in helping you identify issues with individuals. 

If some team members spend significantly more time on certain tasks than their colleagues, it could suggest a need for additional support with time management for these employees. 

By helping these employees to work more efficiently, work productivity levels improve across your business.

If you decide to introduce time tracking software, it is useful to consider how you communicate this to your employees. It could be helpful to reassure them that you are not attempting to control every aspect of their working lives. Instead, you are seeking ways to make your business more efficient.

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Offer flexible work hours (if appropriate)

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been widespread recognition that the way we work has changed. 

During lockdowns, many of us needed to work from home and identified greater efficiencies in doing so. Some employees found hybrid or remote work could improve work/life balance. Others found this way of working more suitable to juggling work and childcare. 

This depends on the situation, as some work cannot be done from home, and some employees may perform worse outside of the office. However, it’s worth considering, because in many cases, employees are better able to focus on the task at hand knowing that they can also meet their personal needs. 

In fact, McKinsey’s recent American Opportunity Survey found that 87% of employees would accept the opportunity to work from home if it was available.

With a skills shortage across the US, offering flexible work conditions could be one of the most effective ways to attract talent to your business.

Regularly evaluate employee performance

Whatever your industry, efficient employees are the most important ingredient in your business’s success. It is therefore important that your people receive support and guidance to reach their full potential.

When it comes to performance management, many organizations hold annual reviews. However, this schedule could hinder the efficiency of your business. In practice, having yearly performance reviews could mean that issues remain unaddressed for 12 months. 

Having regular reviews with employees gives you the opportunity to identify and resolve issues as soon as they arise. Ideally, all reviews should take the form of a one-on-one meeting between an employee and their manager. 

Although these appraisals do not need to be as formal as the yearly annual, it is a good idea to keep a written record. You and the employee can then put steps in place to address any performance issues as quickly and effectively as possible.

Ensure your equipment is running at peak efficiency

When business leaders think of efficiency, there is a tendency to focus on people and processes. However, no business can achieve its goals if it is relying on inefficient tools. 

Imagine you run a factory and have well-motivated staff on the production line who are keen to work. If your machinery constantly breaks down, however, you will be wasting money on labor costs when employees cannot work.

If you need to make a case to management or shareholders for improving your equipment, it is helpful if you can demonstrate the amount you are currently losing due to inefficient tools.

Measure all your outcomes

Tracking your progress is often the key to improved efficiency at work. Unless you know how effectively your business is performing, you cannot determine whether any changes you make have a positive impact.

One of the most important steps when tracking efficiency is establishing a baseline. Imagine you run a fruit picking business. Before you introduce any changes to your processes, you should measure what you are already producing, for example, the amount of fruit your workers pick in a day. 

Once you have introduced any new processes, you can then measure how these changes affect the amount of fruit that is picked. Using a concrete measurement will provide you with an indication of whether your changes have had a positive impact.

Whenever possible, it is helpful to use hard data to demonstrate successes and areas for improvement. This could include the number of dollars made or hours of labor saved. 

Customer satisfaction can also be an important metric in gauging operational efficiency. If your business is well run, customers are more likely to leave positive reviews or recommend your services.

Embrace change

Doing things a certain way because that’s the way you’ve always done them can lead you to rely on outdated practices.

An efficient business should always be willing to take an honest look at its long-standing processes. If you identify an area that is inefficient, be open to any suggestions for making improvements.

Technology is also key. If you want to make your business more efficient, you’ll need to embrace the opportunities that new software and systems can bring. 

Imagine your HR team spends a considerable portion of its time managing employee training. By implementing training management software, you could significantly reduce your labor costs. 

Your HR staff would then be free to focus on other aspects of their roles that may create more value for your business, such as improving performance management or diversity within your organization.


Business efficiency often relies on a willingness to set goals, measure progress concretely, make changes, and adapt to new technologies. Whatever your business, having a clear idea of your objectives and communicating these to your employees is crucial. 

The best way to improve efficiency in the workplace will, of course, be different for every business. However, following the strategies in this article should help set you in the right direction and keep your employees motivated.

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