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  1. Do All Employees Need 60-Day Reviews?
  2. Why Conduct 60-Day Reviews?
  3. What to Focus On During 60-Day Reviews
  4. How to Conduct 60-Day Reviews
  5. Questions to Ask During a 60-Day Review
  6. Conclusion

A 60-day review is a performance review conducted at the end of an employee’s first two months in a new role. 

Whereas a 30-day review is centered around onboarding the employee, a 60-day review builds on this by taking a closer look at their experience at your organization and how they’re finding their new role. This type of employee evaluation is an important part of the onboarding experience.

Do All Employees Need 60-Day Reviews?

60-day reviews can be useful for any new hire. While you are not required to conduct 60-day reviews, they are an important part of the onboarding process and can be a valuable opportunity for recently hired employees to provide feedback on their first 2 months with the company. 

Why Conduct 60-Day Reviews?

Regular reviews at the 30, 60, and 90-day mark are useful for ensuring your new hires feel a part of the team and are happy in their roles. The onboarding process directly affects employee engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. In fact, employees who have a positive onboarding experience are 2.6 times more likely to be satisfied with their place of work and stay with their companies for longer.

Other benefits include:

  • Early feedback: A 60-day review provides new employees with timely feedback on their performance, allowing them to understand what they’re doing well and where they need to improve. This can be especially valuable for those who are still in the process of adapting to their new roles.
  • Enhanced onboarding: By checking in with new hires, businesses can assess the effectiveness of their onboarding processes and make necessary adjustments. This ensures that new employees are well-integrated and have the resources they need to succeed.
  • Increased retention: Regular check-ins can lead to increased job satisfaction as employees feel that their contributions are recognized and valued. When employees believe their employers are invested in their success, they are more likely to stay with the company longer.
  • Clarification of expectations: The review can serve as a platform to clarify job roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This can prevent misunderstandings and misalignments that might arise later on.
  • Identification of training needs: By reviewing performance early on, managers can identify areas where additional training or resources might be beneficial. This proactive approach can lead to more effective and efficient skill development.
  • Strengthened manager-employee relationships: Regular reviews foster open communication between managers and employees. This can lead to stronger relationships, as employees feel they have a direct line of communication and can voice their concerns or share their insights.
  • Continuous improvement culture: When feedback is given and received regularly, it becomes an integral part of the organization’s operations, leading to ongoing growth and development for both individuals and the company as a whole. It also helps reduce employee turnover.

Build customized onboarding and training courses for your team on the go with Connecteam!

What to Focus On During 60-Day Reviews

The focus of a 60-day review should be the employee’s experience with the company so far and their long-term career goals. Here are some points to consider in the 60-day review process:

  • Performance and productivity: Evaluate the employee’s ability to meet job expectations, complete tasks, and contribute to team projects. This includes assessing their efficiency, quality of work, and overall productivity.
  • Integration and team dynamics: Observe how well the employee has integrated into the team and company culture. Consider their interactions with colleagues, collaboration skills, and their fit within the team environment.
  • Skill development and training: Identify any gaps in the employee’s skills or knowledge and determine if additional training or resources are needed. Discuss any training they’ve undergone and its effectiveness.
  • Feedback and concerns: Provide an opportunity for the employee to share their experiences, challenges, and any feedback they might have about their role, the team, or the company.
  • Goals and future direction: Discuss the employee’s short-term and long-term goals within the company. Align on expectations for the next review period and set clear objectives for their continued growth and development.

How to Conduct 60-Day Reviews

Here are some best practices to keep in mind. 

Before the review

  • Give the employee notice. Don’t ambush your employees with unexpected reviews or evaluations. You should provide them with an overview of the review cycle when they’re hired—remind them during their 30-day review that a 60-day review will follow. This gives them adequate time to reflect on their responses. 
  • Be clear about the purpose of the review. Knowing what information you would like to obtain from your employee during the review—as well as what you hope they will take away from it—helps you develop relevant questions to guide the conversation. 

During the review

  • Follow through. Conducting a 60-day review on time demonstrates a commitment to the employee and an interest in their professional development. 
  • Keep the conversation open and free-flowing. Come prepared but no need to stick to a list of points and questions. The employee should feel comfortable enough to provide honest feedback, raise concerns, or ask any difficult questions during their review so the conversation flows naturally.
  • Review any issues that arose during the 30-day review. Discuss with the employee whether previous issues or concerns have been addressed. 

After the review

  • Take notes during the review and provide the employee with a copy. In addition to being useful for record-keeping purposes, this helps you review and address any issues raised. It’s also helpful to have a list of points to revisit during the next review—typically at 90 days. 
  • Remind the employee of their 90-day review. This puts them on notice and gives them time to prepare for it. 

💡 Pro Tip:

Take advantage of an employee management app, like Connecteam, to track employee timelines and individual progress. With Connecteam, you can also upload all review paperwork directly into the app to streamline the process and conduct better employee reviews.

Questions to Ask During a 60-Day Review

Here are some example questions you can ask during a 60-day review:

The employee’s career goals

Asking questions about an employee’s long-term career goals can help you to understand how you can help improve their job satisfaction and engagement. 

Questions include:

  • What are your long-term goals in the role and organization? 
  • What can we do to help you achieve them?

The onboarding process

During the 60-day review, continue to find out more about the employee’s onboarding experience. This information can help you refine the process and improve your onboarding practices. 

Questions include:

  • Has the organization/role been as we described it in your interview?
  • Has the training you’ve received so far adequately prepared you for the role?
  • Have you encountered any challenges in performing your job?
  • Do you have the tools and support you need to perform your role to the best of your ability?
  • Do you have any feedback on how we can improve our onboarding process?
  • Do you have any feedback on how we can improve this review process?

How the employee is fitting in

The 60-day review allows you to explore the employee’s experience and fit within their team and the organization. You can also ask about how they see their role within the context of the organization’s goals. Questions include:

  • Can you explain how your role fits into the organization’s mission and values?
  • How are you finding your team? 
  • Is there anyone in particular in your team who has assisted you with the onboarding process?
  • Are you facing any challenges within your team?

Remember: Make sure you leave time for the employee to ask their own questions.


A 60-day review is a key component of an employee’s onboarding experience. It should focus on their roles and responsibilities and how you can support their professional goals. Thorough and well-executed 90-day reviews can boost employee engagement and productivity and help you address any issues that may contribute to employee retention.