Workplace will become unavailable by August 31, 2025. The shutdown is your opportunity to choose a better solution for your business.

Table of contents
  1. What the Workplace Shutdown Means for Your Business
  2. How to Prepare for the Workplace Shutdown
  3. Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Replacement
  4. Why Connecteam is the Best Workplace Replacement
  5. How to Ensure a Smooth Transition from Workplace
  6. Final Thoughts on the Workplace Shutdown
  7. FAQs

The announcement that Workplace from Meta is shutting down has sent waves through the business community.

If your organization has been relying on Workplace for communication and collaboration, you might be wondering what this means for your business and how to navigate this transition smoothly.

In this article, we’ll address the key questions you may have and guide you on the next steps to ensure your business continues to operate efficiently.

What the Workplace Shutdown Means for Your Business

Meta has set a clear timeline for Workplace’s closure:

  • Initial Announcement: May 14, 2024
  • Subscription Discount: September 1, 2024 – All subscription tiers will be discounted by 50%.
  • Upload Functionality Disabled: September 1, 2025 – Businesses will no longer be able to upload new content.
  • Read-Only Mode: September 1, 2025, to May 31, 2026 – The platform will be accessible only to read and download existing data. Workplace will be made free of charge.
  • Final Shutdown: June 1, 2026 – All data will be permanently deleted

This phased approach gives businesses time to adapt, but it’s crucial to start planning now. The shutdown will impact your internal communication channels, collaborative workflows, and data storage.

You’ll need to migrate years’ worth of conversations, files, and project data. Moreover, your teams will need to adapt to a new platform, which could temporarily affect productivity.

Why is Meta closing Workplace?

Meta says it is closing Workplace as part of a strategic shift to focus on other business priorities and technologies. This decision aligns with their broader vision and ongoing projects in the metaverse and other emerging technologies.

What will happen to data stored in Workplace?

Data stored in Workplace will need to be migrated before the shutdown date. Meta will provide tools and support to help you export your data. If data is not exported by the deadline, it will be permanently deleted, so make sure you don’t miss the deadline to get your data off of Workplace.

How will the Workplace migration process work?

Meta has built tools like “Download Your Information” and APIs for bulk data export to help users migrate their data. They have also named Zoom’s Workvivo as the preferred migration partner to assist customers in transitioning to a new platform. Workivo’s high pricing and focus on companies larger than 250 employees, mean that it is not the best solution for many companies affected by Workplace shutting down.

Will there be any financial impact on Workplace customers?

Meta will discount all subscription tiers by 50% starting September 1, 2024. One year later, on September 1, 2025, Meta will stop charging customers altogether. This phased approach is designed to ease the financial burden on customers as they transition to new platforms​.

What support and resources are available for Workplace customers?

Meta will provide tools for data export and has named Workvivo as the preferred migration partner to help with the transition. Customers can also expect continued support services to assist with data migration and transitioning to a new platform​.

How to Prepare for the Workplace Shutdown

Losing access to a tool you’ve likely been using extensively for years is no small issue. But the Workplace shutdown also presents a great opportunity to upgrade to a better communication solution. 

Below are the key steps you should take now to make the transition as smooth as possible.

  1. Data backup and migration: Start backing up your data regularly. Workplace offers tools like “Download Your Information” and API access for this purpose.
  2. Assess your current workplace usage: Identify which features your team uses most frequently and which integrations are critical to your workflows.
  3. Evaluate your communication and collaboration needs: This is a great opportunity to take a step back and have a good look at what your team actually needs from employee communication software. Make a list of must-haves and nice-to-haves.
  4. Talk to your team: Communicate with your team about the shutdown and your plans to transition to a new platform. Make sure to get their input about what they actually need from an ideal solution.
  5. Start exploring alternatives: Begin evaluating alternative platforms that can replace and ideally even expand Workplace’s functionality. Trial at least one or two solutions to get an idea of what’s out there.
  6. Plan the transition: Create a timeline with key deadlines and assign team members specific tasks like data migration and training. Share the plan with everyone to ensure they understand their roles and the schedule.

🧠 Did You Know?

Connecteam is a fantastic replacement for Workplace from Meta because it offers a comprehensive all-in-one solution that includes advanced communication, task management, employee scheduling, time tracking, and much more. Designed specifically for deskless and remote workers, Connecteam ensures seamless operations and enhanced productivity.

Plus, Connecteam offers migration support and the first six months free for businesses transitioning from Workplace now, making the switch smooth and cost-effective.

Book a demo now!


Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Replacement

As you explore alternatives to Workplace, consider a platform that not only facilitates communication and collaboration but also helps manage other aspects of your business. Here are the top five factors to focus on:

1. Comprehensive Features

  • Communication Tools: Robust chat, video conferencing, and forums.
  • Collaboration: Document sharing, project management, and team coordination.

2. Business Management

  • Employee Scheduling: Tools for creating and managing schedules.
  • Time Tracking: Features to monitor and record employee work hours.
  • HR Management: Capabilities to handle HR tasks like payroll, benefits, and employee records.

3. User Experience

  • Ease of Use: Intuitive interface to minimize the learning curve.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Strong mobile app for remote and on-the-go work.

4. Security and Compliance

  • Data Security: Strong measures to protect company data.
  • Compliance: Adherence to industry regulations and standards.

5. Support and Training

  • Customer Support: Reliable and accessible support for any issues.
  • Training Resources: Comprehensive materials to help your team adapt quickly.

Why Connecteam is the Best Workplace Replacement

Connecteam stands out as a comprehensive solution that not only fills the gap left by Workplace but also enhances your team’s communication and productivity:

  1. All-in-One Platform: Connecteam combines communication, task management, scheduling, and more in one intuitive app.
  2. Mobile-First Approach: Perfect for businesses with deskless or distributed teams.
  3. Easy Adoption: User-friendly interface ensures high adoption rates across all tech skill levels.
  4. Customization: Tailor the platform to fit your specific business needs and branding.
  5. Robust Features: From chat and file sharing to employee recognition and training, Connecteam covers all bases.
  6. Scalability: Suitable for small businesses and large enterprises alike.
  7. Strong Security: Ensures your data remains protected and compliant.

Many businesses that have switched to Connecteam report improved team engagement, streamlined operations, and significant time savings in administrative tasks.

Plus, Connecteam provides excellent customer support and full migration assistance to ensure a smooth switch. Connecteam even offers six months free for businesses moving from Workplace, giving you plenty of time to explore all the great features without worrying about costs.

Connecteam isn’t just a replacement; it’s a chance to upgrade your workplace tools and boost your team’s efficiency.

Give it a try and see how much easier your work life can be!


How to Ensure a Smooth Transition from Workplace

Develop a Transition Plan

Create a detailed plan outlining the steps and timeline for migrating to the new platform. This plan should include key milestones, assigned responsibilities, and necessary resources. Clearly communicate this plan to your team to ensure everyone is aligned and prepared for the transition.

Backup and Export Data

Utilize Meta’s tools, such as “Download Your Information,” to backup and export all your data from Workplace. Ensure you have a secure and organized method to store this data until it can be imported into the new platform. This step is crucial to prevent data loss and maintain continuity.

Pilot the New Platform

Before fully migrating, run a pilot program with a small group of users to test the new platform. Gather feedback from this group and make any necessary adjustments based on their experiences. This approach helps identify potential issues and ensures a smoother rollout for the entire organization.

Train Your Team

Provide comprehensive training sessions to familiarize your team with the new platform. Ensure they understand how to effectively use the new features and functionalities. Adequate training will help minimize disruptions and boost confidence in using the new system.

Monitor the Transition

Closely monitor the transition process and be ready to address any issues that arise. Continuous monitoring allows you to quickly identify and resolve challenges, ensuring a seamless transition. Stay proactive and responsive to maintain momentum and address concerns promptly.

Communicate Regularly

Maintain open lines of communication with your team throughout the transition. Provide regular updates on progress and be available to answer any questions or concerns they may have. Transparent communication helps manage expectations and keeps everyone informed and engaged.

Celebrate the Transition

Once the migration is complete, celebrate the successful transition with your team. Recognize their efforts and encourage them to explore and utilize the new platform’s features to enhance productivity and collaboration. Celebrating this milestone fosters a positive attitude and reinforces the benefits of the new system.

Final Thoughts on the Workplace Shutdown

While the shutdown of Workplace from Meta presents challenges, it’s also an opportunity to upgrade your digital workplace strategy.

By acting now and choosing a comprehensive solution like Connecteam, you can ensure minimal disruption to your operations and set your team up for enhanced collaboration and productivity.

Don’t wait until the last minute. Explore how Connecteam can transform your workplace communication and collaboration today.

With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and dedicated support, Connecteam is ready to help your business make a seamless transition from Workplace and beyond.

Get started with Connecteam for free today!


What happens to ongoing projects and integrations that rely on Workplace?

If your business has ongoing projects and integrations that rely on Workplace, you’ll need to transition these to a new platform. Start by identifying all critical projects and integrations currently using Workplace. Then, create a plan to migrate them, ensuring there’s minimal disruption. Make sure to communicate with your team and partners involved in these projects to coordinate the transition smoothly.

What will happen to Workplace’s features and functionalities?

After the shutdown, Workplace’s features and functionalities will no longer be available. This means you will need to find alternative platforms that offer similar or enhanced capabilities. Take this opportunity to explore other tools that might offer better features or integrate more seamlessly with your existing workflows.

What are the long-term business implications for Workplace customers?

The long-term implications for businesses using Workplace include the need to invest time and resources into finding and adapting to a new platform. This process could temporarily affect productivity as your team gets accustomed to the new system. However, it also presents an opportunity to upgrade to a more suitable and potentially more efficient solution that can better support your business needs in the long run.

How to prepare your business for Workplace closure?

To prepare for the closure, start by backing up all your data using Meta’s provided tools. Assess your current usage of Workplace to understand which features your team relies on the most. Communicate the upcoming changes to your team and involve them in evaluating new platforms. Create a detailed transition plan with clear milestones and responsibilities. Regularly update everyone involved to ensure a smooth and organized transition.

Who are the best Workplace communication alternatives?

Some of the best alternatives to Workplace include Connecteam, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Yammer and Zoom’s Workvivo. Connecteam stands out as an excellent choice due to its comprehensive all-in-one solution, which includes communication, task management, time tracking, and HR management. Connecteam offers pricing starting at $29 per month for the Basic plan, which includes up to 30 users, making it cost-effective for businesses of all sizes. Moreover, Connecteam ensures compliance with SOC 2, GDPR, and HIPAA standards, providing robust security for your data.

How much does Workplace from Meta cost?

Starting September 1, 2024, Meta will discount all Workplace subscription tiers by 50%. This discount will last until September 1, 2025, when Meta will stop charging customers altogether. This phased pricing strategy is designed to ease the financial impact on your business as you transition to a new platform.

How much does Workvivo by Zoom cost?

Workvivo’s pricing details vary based on the size of your organization and the specific features you need. Minimum pricing starts at $20,000 per year for at least 250 employees. Smaller companies are currently not supported by Workvivo. Contact Workvivo directly for a tailored quote that fits your business requirements. They offer different tiers of service to accommodate various business sizes and needs.

How much do Workplace alternatives cost?

The cost of alternatives to Workplace varies significantly depending on the platform and the features you require. For instance, Slack and Microsoft Teams have different pricing tiers that can be tailored to small or large businesses. Connecteam offers a comprehensive package, and their pricing starts at $29 per month for the Basic plan, which includes up to 30 users, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses looking for robust features.

When should you leave Workplace from Meta?

You should plan to leave Workplace well before the final shutdown date of June 1, 2026. Start your transition process as soon as possible to ensure you have ample time to back up data, evaluate alternatives, and train your team on the new platform. The earlier you begin, the smoother your transition will be, minimizing any disruption to your business operations.

How many businesses use Workplace from Meta?

In May 2021, Workplace from Meta announced it has seven million daily active users that pay for its service. This includes small businesses, large enterprises, and various industry sectors. The exact number can fluctuate, but its widespread use highlights its effectiveness in enhancing workplace communication.

Is Workplace from Meta good for small businesses?

Yes, Workplace from Meta has been a good option for small businesses due to its comprehensive communication and collaboration tools. It allows small teams to stay connected and coordinate effectively. However, with its upcoming shutdown, small businesses will need to find suitable alternatives that offer similar or better capabilities. Connecteam is particularly well-suited for small businesses, offering a user-friendly interface, comprehensive features for communication, task management, and HR functions, and pricing that starts at $29 per month for up to 30 users.

Is Workvivo by Zoom good for small businesses?

Workvivo by Zoom doesn’t support small businesses with less than 250 employees. While it offers a range of features designed to improve employee engagement and internal communication, Connecteam may be a better option for some small businesses due to its comprehensive suite of tools specifically designed for seamless communication, task management, time tracking, and HR management, all starting at $29 per month for up to 30 users.

Do you have to install Zoom to use Workvivo?

No, you do not need to install Zoom to use Workvivo. Workvivo is a standalone platform that provides a comprehensive suite of features for internal communication and employee engagement. However, since Workvivo is owned by Zoom, there may be integrations available that can enhance your experience if you already use Zoom for other purposes.

What is Workvivo?

Workvivo is an employee communication platform designed to improve engagement and connectivity within organizations. It offers features such as news feeds, social networking capabilities, employee recognition, and more. Its goal is to create a more connected and engaged workforce by providing tools that foster communication and collaboration.

How to delete your Workplace account?

To delete your Workplace account, contact your organization’s admin and ask them to delete your account. To delete the entire organization’s Workplace account, follow these steps:

  1. Click Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Scroll down and click Delete Workplace.
  4. Enter your company name and complete the form.
  5. Click Delete this Workplace.

Make sure to back up any important data before deleting your account, as this action will remove all your information from the platform permanently. If you are unsure about the process, consult Workplace’s support resources for detailed guidance.

Why is Workvivo not supporting all Workplace clients?

While Workvivo is the preferred migration partner for Workplace, the company decided to focus on companies with more than 250 employees. It’s important to evaluate other platforms, like Connecteam, to ensure you find the best fit for your organization’s unique needs.

Does Workvivo hold relevant security certifications (e.g., SOC 2, GDPR compliance, HIPAA) comparable to Workplace?

Yes, Workvivo holds relevant security certifications, including SOC 2 and GDPR compliance, ensuring that it meets high standards for data security and privacy. This makes it a reliable alternative for businesses that require robust security measures comparable to those provided by Workplace. Connecteam also offers strong security measures and relevant certifications, including SOC 2, GDPR, and HIPAA compliance, ensuring your data remains protected and compliant at a much more affordable price.

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