Near-miss reporting software helps your business respond proactively to potential health or safety hazards. In this article, I review the top 6 near-miss apps on the market today.

The health and safety of your workplace is of utmost importance, but it’s impossible to see all the issues on your own. Employees must report potential hazards on the job—and they’ll need an easy way to do this. 

Near-miss reporting software is the solution. Using this software lets you empower your team to catch health and safety issues before they become accidents or incidents. Workers can quickly and easily report these near-misses in real time, and you’ll be notified and prompted to take action immediately after they submit reports.

Many software options are available, making it challenging to separate so-so platforms from excellent ones. To lend a hand, I’ve rounded up my top 6 recommendations for near-miss reporting software in 2024. Let’s dive in!

If you don’t have the time to read through our research, jump down to our quick comparison table.

Our Top Picks

  1. Best all-in-one near-miss reporting software

  2. Good for large companies

  3. Good for area-specific reporting

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How I Chose the Best Near-miss Reporting Software

I searched for several key features and functions when creating my list of the best near-miss reporting software.

Must-have features

First, I ensured each platform offers:

  • Customizable forms you can tailor to collect various details about near-misses.
  • Multimedia support so workers can add images and files to their near-miss reports, providing important context.
  • Notifications to keep you in the know as reports are submitted.
  • Mobile app so employees can submit reports on the go and you can review them from anywhere.

I also made sure the software is:

  • Easy to use for all employees.
  • Affordable for businesses of all sizes.

Finally, I checked for features that make near-miss reporting software great:

  • Communication tools to facilitate real-time conversations with your employees about potential health and safety hazards (and anything else related to your business operations).
  • Task management features that let you create and assign corrective actions to employees following near-misses.
  • Reports and analytics, which provide insights into trends and potential health and safety problems at your workplace. This information can drive data-driven business decisions and help you take steps to keep your workers safe and healthy.  

The 6 Best Near-Miss Reporting Softwares of 2024

  1. Connecteam — Best all-in-one near-miss reporting software

    Digitize paperwork and processes

    Connecteam tops my list as the best near-miss reporting software for 2024. 

    Why I picked Connecteam: The platform offers all the features you need to collect reports of near-misses, understand the issues, and avoid future accidents and incidents.

    Below, I explore Connecteam’s best features for near-miss reporting, resolution, and more.

    Create and share custom forms to collect near-miss information

    Connecteam offers customizable forms you can use for near-miss reports, inspections, audits, and more. You can start with the template library, and if you need something more unique, you can adjust the template to suit your needs or create a new form from scratch. 

    Through Connecteam’s mobile app, your employees can submit real-time near-miss reports from anywhere they are. You’ll receive instant notifications when reports are submitted.

    Connecteam’s forms are also dynamic, meaning they can automatically change to collect different information based on users’ responses.   

    employee filling safety hazard report

    Forms make it easy to know exactly where there’s an issue and get it resolved quickly. You can also require employees to provide eSignatures on their reports. 

    Assign and manage tasks so your team can take action

    After near-misses have been reported, the next step is to resolve the issue before an accident occurs. Connecteam makes this easy with its task management tools

    You can create and assign corrective actions to address ‌near-misses, and employees will get push notifications when they have tasks to complete. Each task can include deadlines, location information, descriptions, file attachments, images, and more.

    You can log into the manager dashboard to track all open and completed tasks and remind your team of outstanding action items. Connecteam will also send you notifications when tasks are completed or overdue so you can follow up with workers accordingly.

    Make data-driven decisions with reporting and analytics 

    What I also appreciate about Connecteam is that it offers robust reporting and analytics tools

    With these, you can view trends and patterns among near-misses, like which teams or locations are submitting reports the most. These insights help you make informed decisions about how to improve safety across your workforce.

    Stay in contact with your employees with easy-to-use communication tools

    An illustration of chat and phone book with a system update instruction

    Connecteam’s built-in team chat lets you and your employees communicate in groups or one-on-one no matter where you’re working. Send text messages, images, documents, audio, and other files for quick information-sharing. I find this especially useful for near-miss reporting, as employees can share photos live from the field to support their reports. 

    Connecteam also offers a social media-style updates feed to share information with multiple people at once. For example, you can post a warning about a potential hazard at a job site. You’re able to schedule posts, turn comments on or off, and track who has seen and engaged with your posts. 

    Ensure your workforce is well-informed

    Lastly, Connecteam goes beyond reporting features and provides tools to keep your workers knowledgeable about safety. 

    You can create and deploy fully customized training materials and courses on any topic—like how to make a near-miss report, assess safety situations, or prevent near-misses in the first place. Employees can complete training on the go, and you can track their progress and send completion reminders from your admin dashboard.

    Additionally, you can set up a knowledge base with all important company documents, such as incident management processes and procedure checklists for reporting near-misses. Workers can access documents whenever needed, so they always have the information they need to stay safe at work.

    A graphic showing examples of Connecteam's Training & Onboarding feature with a PPE course and a Fire Safety Quiz.


    • Customizable for any business needs 

    • Easy-to-use interface  

    • Affordable pricing

    • Excellent customer support


    • Needs internet or wifi access to work


    Free-for-life plan availablePremium plans start at $29/month for 30 users

    14-day free trial, no credit card required

    Start your free trial
  2. EHS Insight — Good for large companies

    Available on

    • Web
    • iOS
    • Android
    Screenshot of the EHS Insight webpage

    EHS Insight offers near-miss software as part of its larger safety management software suite. 

    Why I picked EHS Insight: The software can be customized to meet the needs of any business and includes incident reporting, compliance management, and root cause analysis tools. I also appreciate that EHS Insight offers a mobile app and supports offline access. 

    Through the dashboard and data visualization tool, you can view insights into near-misses across your organization. This way, you can understand risks, areas of improvement, and areas of high performance. 

    However, for me, a big drawback of EHS Insight is the cost. It starts at $3,600 per year. Also, for those needing customer service, live phone support isn’t available, which I found disappointing.

    Key Features

    • Incident reporting
    • Root cause analysis
    • Compliance management
    • Dashboard and data analysis


    • Includes other health and safety tools
    • Customizable


    • No live phone support
    • One of the more expensive options


    Starts at $3,600/year Trial: Yes Free Plan: No

  3. Tap Report — Good for area-specific reporting

    Available on

    • Web
    • iOS
    • Android
    Screenshot of the Tap Report webpage

    Tap Report is a near-miss reporting solution that lets users track incidents from their mobile devices.

    Why I picked Tap Report: I found Tap Report particularly intriguing due to its “smart tag” feature. This lets you stick a small device (the “smart tag”) on a piece of equipment, then scan it with your phone to submit any incidents or inspections related to that area. For anything that isn’t tagged, you can either set it up on the go or use the app to search for the inspection point you want. 

    As your employees input near-miss reports, you can review insights and analytics to understand patterns and make decisions about required actions. 

    I also found it appealing that Tap Report’s team is available to make software adjustments and provide upgrades for individual businesses’ needs. On the other hand, though, the software is quite expensive. There’s an initial $1,200 setup charge and a $100 monthly fee per facility.

    Key Features

    • Incident reporting with smart tags
    • Workflow and task management
    • Analytics to understand performance
    • Mobile app


    • Automatically stores records for 7 years
    • Customization options directly from the Tap Report team


    • Pricey
    • Takes time to implement


    Starts at $1,200 setup + $100/month/facility Trial: No Free Plan: No

  4. SafetyCulture — Good for multiple reporting methods

    Screenshot of the SafetyCulture webpage

    SafetyCulture is a mobile-friendly near-miss app that helps streamline reporting. 

    Why I picked SafetyCulture: The app has 130,000+ inspection templates, and you can also create your own checklists or audit forms. Something else I found interesting is that your team can submit reports via the mobile app and by using a QR code, making it easier to capture information quickly. 

    When your team flags an issue, you can assign corrective actions and include deadlines and priority levels for each. After an inspection is completed, SafetyCulture generates a report that you can share with anyone who needs it. 

    However, I noticed that the app can be buggy at times. Also, SafetyCulture’s free version doesn’t include as many features as its paid plans. 

    Key Features

    • Report from the app or QR code
    • Task management
    • Reporting and analytics
    • Ability to add logic to forms and reports


    • Includes a large template library
    • Easy to use


    • Free version provides fewer features
    • Can be buggy


    Starts at $19/user/month Trial: Yes Free Plan: Yes

  5. Intelex — Good for using out of the box

    Available on

    • Web
    • iOS
    • Android
    Screenshot of the Intelex webpage

    Intelex is a near-miss app that, like others, is all about proactivity. 

    Why I picked Intelex: You can use the app to encourage your team to report potential hazards or risks and help prevent accidents. I like that it notes the importance of employees reporting not just environmental and physical hazards but also behavioral ones, like a colleague not following proper procedures. 

    This software comes with reporting forms and workflows you can use out of the box, or you have the option to use the Form Designer to create your own. Intelex is available via web and mobile, so employees can submit real-time reports from wherever they are. There’s also offline access, so a lack of internet won’t stop a necessary report. 

    As a manager, you can configure the app’s dashboard view near-miss incidents however you prefer. For example, you could view near-misses by location or team to help you identify patterns and trends. You can also set the system to trigger investigations or risk-reducing procedures for near-misses of a certain severity. 

    The biggest drawback for me is that Intelex’s dashboard can be tricky to navigate. Also, it takes time (and can be challenging for some users) to implement.

    Key Features

    • Template library
    • Mobile and offline access
    • Configurable dashboard and reporting
    • Automatic investigation workflows


    • Employees can report behavioral issues as well
    • Works straight out of the box


    • No free plan
    • Dashboard is a bit complex


    Contact vendor for pricing Trial: Yes Free Plan: No

  6. Quentic — Good for anonymous reports

    Available on

    • Web
    • iOS
    • Android
    Screenshot of the Quentic webpage

    Quentic is a near-miss app that lets you and your employees report near-miss incidents and accidents via web or mobile. 

    Why I picked Quentic: I particularly liked the software’s focus on allowing anonymous reporting. You or your team members can submit reports (anonymous or not), and Quentic will send automatic notifications to the workers involved in the near-miss. Then, you can determine the right preventative and corrective actions to take.

    Once a report comes in, you can use the analytics tool to understand the root cause of the issue and come up with areas of improvement. You can also set automations that help determine metrics like incidents’ severity rates. In addition, if a near-miss becomes an accident, you can generate a notice directly from the app and send it to the relevant health or safety agency.

    Unfortunately, though, I found Quentic’s customization options slightly lacking. Also, its customer service can be slow.

    Key Features

    • Anonymous incident reports
    • Analytics and data reporting
    • Root cause analysis
    • Compliance-related document generation


    • Can send accident notices to health and safety agencies
    • Easy to use


    • Limited customization options
    • Slow customer service


    Contact vendor for pricing Trial: No Free Plan: No

Compare the Best Near-Miss Reporting Softwares

Topic Start for free
Starts at just $29/month for the first 30 users
Starts at $3,600/year
Starts at $1,200 setup + $100/month/facility
Starts at $19/user/month
Contact vendor for pricing
Contact vendor for pricing
Free Trial
Free Plan
Free Up to 10 users
Use cases
Best all-in-one near-miss reporting software
Good for large companies
Good for area-specific reporting
Good for multiple reporting methods
Good for using out of the box
Good for anonymous reports
Available on
Web, iOS, Android
Web, iOS, Android
Web, iOS, Android
Web, iOS, Android

What Is near-miss Reporting Software?

near-miss reporting software is a digital application that professionals use to report on and evaluate near-misses—incidents that could have resulted in damage or injury but didn’t. 

These events indicate problems with workplace health and/or safety that must be fixed to prevent future incidents. near-miss reporting apps enable businesses to understand what led to the incident and how to prevent it in the future. 

When companies use this software, it can encourage a culture of safety. Employees can feel confident reporting incidents and hazards, promoting accountability and fostering proactive risk management. In turn, this lowers the potential for accidents, injuries, and property damage at worksites.

How Does near-miss Reporting Software Work?

The software works by ​​providing a user-friendly way for employees to submit reports with details about near-misses at work. They can do this directly from their mobile devices, sending reports in real-time from the field.

As a manager, you can create customized forms you want your team to fill out. Information you might request in near-miss reports includes:

  • Details of the situation (like the day, time, and location where it happened)
  • The reporting employee’s contact information
  • The type of incident that occurred (such as a near collision with equipment) and a description of it
  • Why it matters (e.g., the near-miss has health, safety, or property damage implications)

As reports come in, you’ll receive a push notification directly to your device. You can then review reports and take immediate action

Most near-miss reporting software also offers a central dashboard with data analytics tools. These enable you to understand patterns, recurring issues, and compliance challenges. You can then use this information to determine the best path forward to avoid near-misses. 

In addition, some platforms have task management tools so you can assign corrective actions to employees following near-miss reports.

The Benefits of Near-miss Reporting Software

Risk reduction and increased safety

This software enables you to catch potential safety issues or hazards before they turn into accidents. You can also analyze near-miss reports to better understand what may have caused the issue, which helps you be proactive about solving it. The result is fewer accidents and better workplace safety overall. 

Stronger culture of safety 

near-miss reporting software makes it quick and easy for employees to report safety concerns. This empowers them to be more proactive in their approach to workplace safety and helps promote a positive culture of safety across your organization.

Better regulatory compliance

Many industries have overseeing bodies to ensure compliance with regulations—for example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Some of these organizations require companies to have near-miss reporting systems in order to remain compliant. 

Even if it’s not required, using near-miss reporting software can help you prevent accidents. In turn, this helps you stay compliant with safety regulations and avoid penalties and fines. 

Data-driven decisions and improvements

When you use software to report and track near-misses, you’re able to view insights into what went wrong and make choices about the best ways to prevent it from occurring again. 

In addition, you can use this data to foster a culture of continuous improvement. As new reports come in and you uncover additional issues, you can refine your processes and implement stronger prevention measures. 

Cost savings

Accidents, injuries, and property damage are all costly. With near-miss reporting software, you can prevent accidents and avoid the associated expenses, such as insurance claims, legal costs, and medical charges.

How Much Does Near-miss Reporting Software Cost?

near-miss reporting software costs vary and depend on the provider’s pricing structure. 

Some charge a monthly fee per user. For instance, SafetyCulture costs $24 per user per month. Others, like TapReport, charge by the facility. Users pay an initial $1,200 setup fee and then $100 per month for each facility.

There are also apps like EHS Insight, which starts at a flat fee of $3,600 per year. Finally, some platforms, like Quentic and Intelex, don’t publish their pricing online. 

All this considered, it’s clear that Connecteam provides much better value for your money. Its paid plans start as low as $29 per month for up to 30 people, with additional users costing only $0.50 per month each. Connecteam also offers an attractive Small Business Plan that’s free ‌forever for up to 10 users.


Is there a free near-miss reporting app?

Yes. Connecteam is a great choice for a free, all-in-one near-miss reporting app. Teams of 10 or fewer people can use the platform completely free for life.

How do I create a near-miss report?

The easiest way to create near-miss reports is by using near-miss reporting software like Connecteam. It lets you customize forms for your employees to fill out upon encountering a near-miss situation. Within the report, they can include incident details, location information, employees involved, and potential impact. Employees will then submit the report from their mobile devices for your review.

The Bottom Line On Near-Miss Reporting Software

Near-miss reporting apps make it easy to submit, track, and analyze near-misses, which helps you resolve issues and avoid future incidents. 

But with so many near-miss reporting solutions on the market, choosing the right one can be tricky. That’s why I put together this list of 6 recommendations.

Of the apps I reviewed, Connecteam shines as the best all-in-one near-miss reporting software. It has everything you need—from powerful tools for reporting and tracking incidents to staying in touch with your team and more.

Get started with Connecteam for free today!