Investigation Report Template


The Investigation Report Template is designed to facilitate a thorough and systematic approach to investigating a wide range of incidents or issues.

This template is adaptable to various contexts, providing a structured format for compiling comprehensive information, analyzing facts, and drawing conclusions.

It is an essential tool for ensuring transparency, accountability, and effective problem-solving within any organization or institution.

Proper utilization of this template can aid in identifying root causes, implementing corrective actions, and preventing future occurrences of similar issues.

Investigation Report Template

Report Title: ___________

Incident Date: ___________

Report Date: ___________

Location: ___________

Investigator(s) Name(s): ___________

1. Executive Summary:

Brief overview of the incident and key findings:

2. Background Information:

Context and circumstances leading up to the incident:

3. Incident Description:

Detailed account of the incident, including timeline of events:

4. Methodology:

Description of the investigation process (e.g., interviews, evidence collection):

5. Findings:

Summary of key findings, based on evidence and interviews:

6. Analysis:

In-depth analysis of the findings, identifying contributing factors and possible causes:

7. Conclusions:

Drawn conclusions based on the analysis of findings:

8. Recommendations:

Proposed actions or changes to prevent future occurrences:

Any recommendations for policy, training, or procedural adjustments:

9. Appendices (if applicable):

Supporting documents, photos, interview transcripts, etc.:

10. Approval and Signatures:

Investigator’s Signature: ___________ Date: ___________

Supervisor/Manager’s Signature (if required): ___________ Date: ___________


This  Investigation Report Template is an indispensable asset for conducting objective and comprehensive investigations. It ensures that all relevant aspects of an incident are explored and documented.

This structured approach not only aids in reaching well-informed conclusions but also in crafting effective strategies for remediation and future prevention.

The adaptability of the template makes it suitable for a wide range of scenarios, from workplace safety incidents to academic integrity investigations, ensuring that the investigative process is thorough, transparent, and fair.

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