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Wage and Hour Laws

Minimum Wage

From January 1, 2025, the minimum wage in Colorado is $14.81 per hour

Colorado’s minimum wage increases annually to account for inflation. 

Where employees are covered by Colorado and federal minimum wage laws, they must be paid at the higher rate. The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25, so these employees must be paid the Colorado minimum wage ($13.65). 

The state minimum wage applies to most employees in Colorado, with some exceptions, including:

  • Executives, supervisors, administrative decision-makers, and professionals earning at least $1,086.25 a week (from January 1, 2025).
  • Outside salespersons that dedicate at least 80% of their work time to sales.
  • A 20% owner of a company.
  • The highest-paid or ranked employee at a nonprofit.
  • Taxi drivers.
  • Some in-residence workers, like casual babysitters or property managers.
  • Volunteers and work-study students.
  • Elected officials and their staff.
  • Highly-technical computer employees earning at least $34.07 an hour (from January 1, 2025).
  • Highly compensated employees who earn at least $127,091 a year (from January 1, 2025).

City of Denver

The City of Denver has its own minimum wage: $18.81 per hour

This applies to all workers within the City and County of Denver except for:

  • Tipped employees in the food and beverage industry.
  • Minors working in a youth employment program.
  • Work done outside of Denver.
  • Employees who work fewer than 4 hours per week in Denver.
  • Employees who are traveling through Denver for work.

Denver’s minimum wage also increases annually. 

Three other cities/counties set their own minimum wage:

  • Edgewater: $16.52
  • Boulder County (unincorporated areas): $16.57
  • City of Boulder: $15.57

Tipped Minimum Wage

From January 1, 2025, the tipped minimum wage in Colorado is $11.79 per hour

Employers can pay tipped employees $11.79 per hour as long as their tips make up the difference to reach the minimum wage. Employers can’t pay tipped employees less than $11.79 an hour. 

Colorado considers tipped employees workers who regularly receive more than $30 in tips each month. 

Tipped employees covered by federal and Colorado minimum wage laws must be paid the higher rate—in this case, the state minimum wage of $11.79. 

Employers can require tip pooling. However, customers must be advised that employees share tips—for example, via a notice on the menu or receipt. 

Employers can’t apply the tipped minimum wage if they require employees to share tips with their colleagues in non-tipped positions.

Cities and counties

In Denver, the tipped minimum wage is $15.79 per hour, but this applies only to workers in the food and beverage industry.

The tipped minimum wage in Edgewater is $13.50. In Boulder County, it’s $13.55, and in the City of Boulder, it’s $12.55.

Overtime Laws

Unless exempt, Colorado employees must be paid 1.5 times their regular pay rate for any hours over 40 hours a week or 12 hours a day, or any 12 consecutive hours (whichever amounts to more wages for the employee).

Employers are prohibited from giving employees compensatory time (paid time off in lieu) instead of paying overtime

There are specific exceptions to Colorado’s overtime laws for certain professions, including commission salespeople, ski employees, hospital or nursing home employees, and interstate transport workers. 

Meal Breaks

Employers must give employees an unpaid 30-minute meal break for every shift over 5 hours. These breaks should be uninterrupted, and the employee should be relieved of all duties during this time. 

Under Colorado labor laws, breaks should be scheduled at least 1 hour after an employee starts a shift and 1 hour before their shift ends, where possible. 

Employees must be paid for an on-duty meal break if it’s impractical for them not to be on duty while on their break.

Rest Breaks

In addition to meal breaks, Colorado employees are entitled to a paid 10-minute rest break for every 4 hours (or a major part of 4 hours) they work. This works out to:

  • 2 or fewer work hours = no rest breaks required
  • Between 2 and up to 6 work hours = 1 rest break
  • Between 6 and up to 10 work hours = 2 rest breaks
  • Between 10 and up to 14 work hours = 3 rest breaks
  • Between 14 and up to 18 work hours = 4 rest breaks
  • Between 18 and up to 22 work hours = 5 rest breaks
  • Over 22 work hours = 6 rest breaks

Ideally, employees should take rest breaks in the middle of each 4-hour period. They should also not work when on a rest break. 

Workers can take their 10-minute rest break as 2 5-minute breaks if:

  • The employer and employee agree, and 5 minutes is enough time for the employee to have a break.
  • The employee works in Medicaid-funded home care or under a collective bargaining agreement.

Employers that don’t allow employees to take rest breaks must pay employees for these missed rest breaks. The time also counts towards overtime. 


Employers must keep a record of each employee’s:

  • Name, address, occupation, and date of hire.
  • Date of birth (if under 18 years old).
  • Daily hours.
  • Credits claimed and tips.
  • Regular pay rate, gross wages, withholdings, and net pay for each pay period.
  • Dates of the pay period (inclusive).
  • Pay stubs.

Employee records must also include the employer’s name and address.

Employers must keep a copy of these records for 3 years after the wages are due. Wages and compensation include bonuses, commissions, and accrued vacation and paid sick leave

💡 Pro Tip:

Take advantage of an employee scheduling app, like Connecteam, to remain compliant with state law and easily track employee hours, time off, breaks, and overtime. 

Get started with Connecteam for free today!

Employee Scheduling Laws

Colorado doesn’t have any predictive scheduling laws. 

Employee Compensation and Benefits

Reporting Time Pay

Colorado employers aren’t required to pay employees who attend a shift and are sent home immediately or early. Employees only need to be paid for time actually worked. 

However, employees must pay employees entitled to reporting time under any relevant employment contract or collective bargaining agreement. 

Colorado employers must pay employees for waiting time. This occurs when the employee doesn’t perform any work duties, but the employer controls the employee’s workflow, so they can’t do anything else. 

Payday Frequency and Method

Colorado employers must pay employees once a month or every 30 days, whichever is longer. 

Employees must be paid within 10 days of the end of the relevant pay period. Employers and employees can agree on a different pay period

Acceptable payment methods include:

  • Cash.
  • Check.
  • Direct deposit, with the employees’ agreement and into an account of their choosing.
  • Money order.
  • Paycard, if the employee has access to their wages at least one time during each pay period and the employee is free to choose another payment method.

Employers must display a notice in the workplace stating their regular paydays and the time and place of payment.

Pay Stub Requirements

Employers must give employees an itemized pay stub, either on each payday or once a month

These paystubs should include the following details:

  • Employee’s name or social security number
  • Employer’s name and address
  • Employee’s gross wages for the pay period
  • All withholdings or deductions
  • Employee’s net wages
  • Dates of the pay period (inclusive)

Employers must keep a copy of these paystubs for 3 years after employees’ wages are due. 

Wage Deductions and Garnishments

Colorado employers can take deductions from employees’ wages for the following reasons:

  • Amounts required by federal, local, or state law (for example, taxes)
  • Deductions agreed in writing between the employer and employee (for example, pay advances)
  • Employee-approved deductions, such as insurance benefits and voluntary pension plans
  • Money or property that an employee fails to pay or return to an employer (for example, a company laptop when an employee is terminated)
  • To cover theft by the employee

To make a deduction to cover the cost of theft by an employee, the employer must file a police report. Employees will be able to recover these costs if no criminal charges eventuate or the charges are dismissed, or the employee is found not guilty. 

Any deductions must be itemized in employees’ pay stubs. 

Deductions generally can’t result in the employee being paid less than the minimum wage. Withholding taxes and repayments for advance wages can be deducted as long as the employee is paid the minimum wage. 

Employers can also garnish employees’ wages for taxes, student loans, and child support. They can also garnish wages for consumer debts as long as there’s  a court order allowing them to do so. 

Employers may garnish up to 20% of their employee’s disposable weekly earnings or a maximum of 40 times the state or federal minimum wage, whichever is lower.

Under federal law, child support garnishments can’t exceed 50-65% of an individual’s weekly disposable earnings, depending on the circumstances. Garnishments for federal student loans are capped at 15% of an employee’s pay. 

Colorado employers are prohibited from firing employees because of one or more wage garnishments.

Final Paycheck Laws:

When a worker’s employment is terminated, the employer must immediately pay the employee any wages and compensation they’ve earned. Additionally, the employer has 10 days to audit to ensure the employee has returned any required property.

For employees who leave an employer voluntarily, the employer must pay the employee’s unpaid wages and compensation on the next regular payday. 

Any accrued paid vacation leave counts as wages and compensation and must be paid to the employee when their employment is terminated. 

Employees can send a written demand for wages if their employer fails to give them their final paycheck. The employee can file a complaint with the Department of Labor and Employment or take civil action against the employer if the employer fails to pay within 14 days of receiving the written demand.

As a result, the employer can be required to pay twice the amount of the unpaid wages or $1,000, whichever is greater. 

If the employer’s failure to pay was willful, they also must pay either 3 times the amount of the unpaid wages or $3,000, whichever is greater. 

Workers’ Compensation

Colorado labor laws require all employers, regardless of their size, to have workers’ compensation insurance. 

Workers’ compensation helps employees who are injured or become ill due to work cover the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, mileage expenses, and temporary or permanent disability. It also covers costs related to death on the job. 

Employers can take out a policy from an insurance company. Larger businesses with 300 or more staff members can also self-insure. The cost of this insurance is the employer’s responsibility. It can’t be passed on to employees. 

Some workers are exempt from workers’ compensation insurance coverage. These include sole proprietors and partners in partnerships, independent contractors, and licensed real estate agents working only on commission. 

Employers who fail to take out the necessary workers’ compensation insurance can be fined up to $500 per day

Employers must display a Notice to Employer of Injury poster in the workplace, keep a record of all workplace illnesses and injuries, and file a report with their insurer within 10 days of a workplace illness or injury. 

Employees must report their work-related illness or injury in writing to their employer within 10 days of it occurring. They should also file a claim (WC15) with the Department of Labor and Employment’s Division of Workers’ Compensation. They have up to 2 years to do this. 

Employees can apply for a hearing before an administrative law judge if their employer denies liability for a workers’ compensation claim.

Unemployment Insurance

Colorado businesses must pay unemployment insurance if they meet 1 of the following criteria:

  • They paid at least $1500 in wages during 1 quarter of last year or this year.
  • They employed at least 1 worker for any part of a day in 20 weeks during last year or this year.

Domestic and agricultural employers and nonprofits have different eligibility criteria based on their size and the amount of wages they pay. 

Employers’ unemployment insurance premiums are calculated based on every employee’s chargeable wages. Chargeable wages in Colorado are currently capped at $20,400

Beginner employers’ premiums are made up of the base and surcharge rates, depending on the industry. For example, ‌ current base rates for new employers range between 0.2% and 6.82%

Premiums for more established businesses are calculated based on a specific computed rate. 

Employees are generally eligible for unemployment benefits if they:

  • Earned $2,500 or more in wages over the last 18 months in Colorado as a traditional employee—i.e., their employer withheld taxes and issued a W-2 tax form for them.
  • Are able and available to work.
  • Are currently unemployed through no fault of their own or earning less than the weekly amount unemployment benefits pay working fewer than 32 hours a week.

The amount of unemployment benefits an employee receives depends on their previous wage. Benefits are generally around 55% of the employee’s average weekly wage over 12 months, capped at $781 per week

Employees can usually access benefits for up to 26 weeks. This may be increased if there are high unemployment rates. 

Employees must file a claim for unemployment benefits with the Department of Labor and Employment.  

Family and Medical Leave Insurance

Colorado is currently introducing a state Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. 

To fund this, all private employers with at least 1 employee must deduct employee premiums from their wages. 

Employee premiums are currently charged at 0.45% of wages and will be reviewed annually. 

Businesses with 10 or more employees must ‌also pay extra employer FAMLI premiums, calculated as 0.45% of wages. 

Employers must also post a FAMLI Program Notice in their workplace. 

See the Leave Laws section of this guide for more details on the leave employees are entitled to under the FAMLI program.

Workplace Rights and Protections

Discrimination and Harassment

Both federal and state anti-discrimination laws apply to Colorado employers. However, the protections under Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) are broader than federal law. 

As a result, Colorado employers are prohibited from discriminating against a job applicant or employee based on:

  • Race, including hair texture, length, or type or a protective hairstyle usually associated with race.
  • Creed.
  • Color.
  • Sex.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Gender identity.
  • Gender expression.
  • Religion.
  • Age (over 40 years old).
  • Disability.
  • National origin.
  • Ancestry.
  • Genetic information.
  • Military status.
  • Marital status.
  • Marriage to a coworker (in limited circumstances).
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions.
  • Sharing wage information with coworkers under the Wage Transparency Act.

Employers can’t retaliate against an employee for exercising their rights, including opposing a discriminatory practice or filing a discrimination complaint.

CADA also prohibits employers from asking candidates in initial applications for any information that could reveal their age, such as date of birth or date of graduation.

Under CADA, employers must keep any employment records for 5 years. Records must include complaints of discrimination and harassment, job applications, and records related to hiring, promotion, termination, compensation, and training. Employers are also required to post an anti-discrimination notice in their workplace.

The Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) offers training on anti-discrimination laws in the workplace twice per month. 

Job applicants or employees who feel they’ve been subject to discrimination or harassment can file a complaint with the relevant agency. For employers with fewer than 15 employees, this is the CCRD. For businesses with 15 or more employees, an employee can file a complaint with the CCRD or federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). 

Complaints with the CCRD must be filed within 300 days of the claimed discriminatory action. 

Employees have 180 days to file a complaint with the EEOC. However, this can be extended to 300 days if the CCRD also enforces a law prohibiting discrimination on the same basis. 

Employees who are unhappy with the outcome of their complaint can usually file a lawsuit against the employer once their case is closed by CCRD or the EEOC.

🧠 Did You Know?

With an online company knowledge base, you can store and share all workplace policies with your employees. You can even have your staff acknowledge that they’ve read and received them right from their mobile devices with a simple e-signature.

Get started with Connecteam for free today!

Leave Laws

✔ Family and Medical LeaveColorado employers with 50 or more employees for at least 20 weeks during the current or last year must provide eligible employees with unpaid leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Employees are generally eligible for FMLA leave if they have worked for an employer for at least 12 months and 1,250 hours.

Under the FMLA, eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave every 12 months to:
• Deal with their own or a family member’s serious health condition.
• Care for and bond with a new child.
• Make arrangements for a family member’s military service.
• Care for a family member who was seriously injured during active military duty (FMLA leave can extend up to 26 weeks in this case).

From January 1, 2024, eligible employees in Colorado can access up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave benefits under the state’s FAMLI program. This leave will be available for employees to:
• Care for a new child.
• Care for themselves or a family member with a serious health condition.
• Support a family member’s military deployment.
• Access housing, care, or legal assistance if they’re the victim of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, or sexual abuse. 

Employees may be able to access an extra 4 weeks of leave for pregnancy or childbirth complications.

Employees’ FAMLI leave is calculated as a percentage of their average weekly wage.

Where employees are entitled to both federal and state family and medical leave, both types of leave may run concurrently. 
✔ Paid Sick LeaveColorado employers must give employees 48 hours of paid sick leave per year, accrued at 1 hour for every 30 hours the employee works.

Employees can use this leave for various reasons, including physical and mental illnesses or injuries, preventative care, domestic violence, and caring for sick family members or those with special needs.
Employers may require supporting documents from employees who take 4 or more consecutive sick leave days.
Employees can also use accrued sick leave to:
• Grieve the death of a family member.
• Care for a family member whose school or other care provider closes due to a natural disaster or extreme weather.
• Leave their residence in the event of a natural disaster or extreme weather.
Paid Family LeaveIn Colorado, employers can use their paid sick leave to care for a sick family member.

Paid family leave is also available under the FAMLI program.
Pregnancy and Parental LeaveColorado has no dedicated pregnancy or parental leave legislation.

Instead, eligible employees may take unpaid leave under the federal FMLA or paid leave under Colorado’s FAMLI program.

Employers can choose to offer dedicated maternity leave or paternity leave. Where they do, biological and adoptive parents must get the same leave. 
𐄂 Vacation and Personal LeaveColorado employers aren’t required to offer employees paid or unpaid vacation or personal leave.

However, many choose to do so. Where they do, employers should follow their vacation or personal leave policy and the relevant terms of the employment contract.

Employers can decide how employees accrue vacation leave, any limits on the amount of vacation leave employees can accrue, and any limits on how much leave employees can use in a certain period.

However, an employer can’t implement a “use it or lose it” policy when offering vacation leave. Employees must be able to carry over any accrued leave into the new year or receive payment for it.

Accrued vacation leave counts as wages, so employees must be paid for any accrued vacation leave on termination. 
𐄂 Holiday LeavePrivate employers in Colorado aren’t required to offer employees unpaid or paid holiday leave. They also aren’t required to pay employees higher rates for working holidays.
Where an employer chooses to offer this leave, they should follow their vacation or personal leave policy and the relevant terms of the employment contract. 

Military, Jury Duty, and Other Mandatory Leave

Military LeaveIn addition to federal military leave requirements, Colorado employers must give employees serving or training with the Colorado National Guard or US Armed Forces 15 days of unpaid annual leave.

Employers can’t retaliate against employees for taking this leave. 
Jury Duty LeaveEmployers must give employees jury duty leave. This is paid at their regular rate up to a maximum of $50 per day for up to 3 days.
Employers can’t retaliate against an employee for serving on a jury. 
Voting LeaveEmployers must offer employees 2 hours off to vote unless the polls are open 3 hours before or after a shift.

This leave must be paid, and the employee must give the employer at least 1 day’s notice. 
Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault LeaveEmployers with at least 50 employees must provide up to 3 days of leave a year to workers dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. This leave doesn’t have to be paid.

Employees are eligible for this leave only if they’ve worked for the employer for at least 12 months. 
Emergency Services Volunteer LeaveEmployers must give employees who are members of the Civil Air Patrol or another voluntary emergency service up to 15 days of unpaid leave each year.
For an employee to be eligible for this leave, the voluntary emergency service must first be certified by the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 

Child Labor Laws

Under Colorado law, anyone under 18 is a minor unless they have a high school diploma or have passed the General Educational Development (GED) test. 

Minors under the age of 9 can’t work in Colorado. 

The Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act addresses the working rights of minors and employer responsibilities. Relevant provisions under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) also apply to minors in Colorado. 

The penalties for violating CYEOA will increase from January 1, 2025, and employers must pay these into the wage theft enforcement fund. 

Under 16 years old16- and 17-year-olds
When school is in sessionCan work up to a maximum of 3 hours a day and 18 hours a week.
Must have an employment permit from their school district to work on a school day.
Can work up to 8 hours a day and 40 hours per week.
When school isn’t in sessionCan work up to a maximum of 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week.Can work up to 8 hours a day and 40 hours per week. 
Limit on hoursWhen school is in session, can work between 7 am and 7 pm.
During summer holidays, can work between 7 am and 9 pm.
No restrictions
Limit on types of workNo minor can work in:
• Mining.
• Logging.
• Quarrying.
• Meatpacking.
• Manufacturing, handling, or storing explosives.
• Operating high-powered machinery.
• Operating high-pressure or high-temperature boilers.

Read the full list of restricted employment types for minors aged 9 to 14.

Workplace Safety and Health

The federal Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act applies to Colorado private employers. The federal agency called the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) administers this act.

Under the OSH Act, employers must provide employees with a safe work environment free of serious hazards. 

Employers are required to:

  • Follow general OSHA standards and those relevant to their industry.
  • Display an OSHA poster in the workplace.
  • Tell employees about any risks in the workplace through labels, chemical information sheets, and alarms.
  • Provide workplace safety and health training to employees.
  • Keep workplace safety and health records.
  • Report to OSHA any workplace fatality within 8 hours or any work-related inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or the loss of an eye within 24 hours.

Employees have the right to:

  • File a complaint with OSHA.
  • Request an OSHA inspection of their workplace.
  • Receive workplace safety and health training.
  • Access employer records of work-related injuries and illnesses.

Employers can’t retaliate against employees for exercising their rights under the OSH Act. 

Labor Union Regulations

Colorado is a modified right-to-work state

Employees can’t be required to join a union or pay union fees unless a business’s workers hold 2 elections and obtain 75% approval to unionize. When a business successfully unionizes, all employees are required to join the union and pay union fees. 

Colorado’s Labor Peace Act protects a range of rights for private employees. These include the right to form or join a labor organization (or choose not to do so, except where the 75% exception applies), participate in collective bargaining, and strike. 

The act also outlines what employer and employee conduct constitutes unfair labor practices

Any unfair labor practice complaints must be made to the Division of Labor Standards and Statistics within 6 months of the alleged violation. 

Employment Contracts and Severance

Employment Contract Laws

Colorado is an at-will employment state

This means both employers and employees can terminate employment at any time and without reason. 

However, written or oral employment contracts that agree on a specific length of time can change the presumption of at-will employment. 

An employment contract may also be implied by the employee and employer’s actions. 

Colorado allows non-compete and non-solicitation agreements (referred to as restrictive covenants). However, strict conditions must be met for these agreements to be enforceable.

For a non-compete agreement to be enforceable:

  • The employee must be a “highly compensated” employee. This figure is updated yearly and currently refers to those earning $112,500 or more. 
  • The agreement must be necessary to protect trade secrets and can’t be any wider than necessary to protect the specific trade secret. Trade secrets may include client lists, customer contracts, and pricing information. 
  • Employers must give job applicants notice of a non-compete agreement, including a summary of its terms, before they sign their employment contract. Employers must give current employees 14 days’ notice before the contract starts. 

Similar criteria must be met for non-solicitation agreements. Non-solicitation agreements can apply only to employees who earn at least 60% of the salary threshold for highly compensated employees. Currently, this is $67,500.

If an employer breaches these requirements, the agreement will be unenforceable. The employer may also be liable for any damages the employee sustained and a civil penalty of $5,000 per worker. 

Employers who use intimidation to stop individuals from engaging in lawful work can also face criminal charges. 

Colorado recently introduced the above law around restrictive covenants, so it applies only to agreements entered into on or after August 10, 2022.

Additionally, under Colorado’s anti-discrimination law, there are strict requirements for non-disclosure agreements relating to alleged discriminatory or unfair employment practices to be enforceable. These can be found in this bill

Severance Pay

Employers can choose whether to offer severance pay. There are no laws in Colorado requiring or prohibiting them from doing so. 

Where an employer offers severance pay, they should follow the relevant terms of the employment or collective bargaining agreement. 

Additional Laws That Might Apply to You

Lactation BreaksColorado employers must provide employees with reasonable unpaid break time or allow employees to use their paid meal or break times to express milk for their child. Employers must offer these breaks until the child turns 2 years old. 

Employers must give employees who need to express a room or other place close to their work area to do so. 
Ban the Box LawColorado employers can’t post a job advertisement that says people with criminal histories can’t apply. They also can’t ask job applicants about their criminal history in their initial application or require them to disclose their criminal history in their initial application. 

Employers can run criminal history checks on applicants after their initial application. 
Colorado Mini-COBRA LawThe federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) extends health insurance coverage for certain employees who lose their job, have their hours reduced, change jobs, or experience a major life change like a divorce. COBRA applies to employers with 20 or more employees. 

Colorado has its own “mini-COBRA” law for employees not covered by the federal act. Colorado’s mini-COBRA can extend an employee’s health insurance coverage by up to 18 months. 
Whistleblower Protection LawsIn addition to those at the federal level, there are several Colorado laws to protect whistleblower employees. 

Private employers can’t retaliate against an employee for disclosing information about illegal actions or policies not in the public interest, unless the information is legally confidential or the employee knows it’s false. 

To be protected under this law, the employee must first raise the issue with their supervisor or an internal department before reporting it externally. 

Employees or independent contractors who work for businesses with 5 or more staff can file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment over workplace safety and health concerns without being retaliated against. 
Clean Indoor Air ActEmployers must provide smoke-free work areas to employees who request one. 
Equal Pay for Equal Work ActEmployers must pay employees who do substantially similar work the same wages and benefits. 

Variations in pay can only be based on:
• Location.
• Education and training.
• Experience.
• Merit or seniority.
• Production quantity/quality.
• Travel requirements of the job.

Employers must also include compensation details in all job postings, including information about benefits. The Act has further requirements around disclosing job opportunities and career progression paths to employees.
Colorado AI ActColorado’s Artificial Intelligence Act starts on February 1, 2026. Employers using AI in employment decisions must comply with various measures to reduce the risk of algorithmic discrimination, including conducting impact assessments and providing required notices to affected individuals. 

Employers should watch out for developments and more information about this.

Prior to June 9, 2023, all Colorado employers were required to give employees 80 hours of Public Health Emergency (PHE) leave for COVID-related health reasons. This is no longer in effect.

To learn more about labor laws in Colorado, the Colorado Department of Labor has a range of resources for employers and employees. 

Workers seeking employment law advice can try contacting Colorado Legal Services or volunteer legal aid centers, like Umcompahgre and Southwest Bar Volunteer Legal Aid. 

Colorado labor laws are complex and often involve the interaction of laws at the federal, state, and local levels. Employment laws and regulations at all levels are also constantly changing. 

You must speak with your in-house legal team or attorney to ensure you meet all your legal obligations as an employer


The information presented on this website about labor laws in Colorado is intended to be a summary for informational purposes only. However, laws and regulations regularly change and may vary depending on individual circumstances. While we have made every effort to ensure the information provided is up-to-date and reliable, we cannot guarantee its completeness,  accuracy, or applicability to your specific situation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that readers seek guidance from their legal department or a qualified attorney to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Please note that we cannot be held liable for any actions taken or not taken based on the information presented on this website.

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