The importance of creating a positive work environment

About this episode

Terry, COO of Please Ask M, a Netherlands-based startup, speaks about the challenges of hiring in a competitive job market and the importance of creating a positive work environment that empowers employees to choose how they fill their day.

Episode Transcript

My name is Terry. I'm the COO of Please Ask M, and we are a startup based in the Netherlands.
We are growing very fast and yeah, it's really difficult to find people at the moment in the Netherlands. I don't know how it goes here in the UK, but in the Netherlands, It's horrible.

What do you find are the biggest challenges in the HR arena?

The most difficult thing is people are searching for a new job and the first thing they do is looking for a company they know and we are a startup. So yeah, we are difficult to find and the people are not coming to you, you have to go to the people. And I think that's the most challenging part.

What are the things that are most important for your employees? that you try to put the focus on for the team that you already hired?

Focusing on that people can choose how they fill in their day by themselves.
Everything is built for connecting, networking. Every thursday there are drinks, there is Yoga, there are very much facilities, so when they are at the office, yeah, it's great atmosphere there.
So I think that's very nice for all the people working in our company, and when people want to work at home, or starts later at the day, that's also possible.

What would be like your key tip for a new H.R managers?

My key tip is always see if the people are the right fit for your company. So they have to feel the culture of your company, and they really want to… They are eager to work for your company and they believe in your products.