Keep team members motivated, and listen to employee feedback

Monika Detka | Head of Field Operations - City Relay

About this episode

Monica Detka, Head of Field Operations at City Relay, discusses the biggest challenges in managing staff in the hospitality industry, how to keep team members motivated, and the importance of listening to employee feedback.

Episode Transcript

My name is Monica, I'm head of the field operations in City Relay. We are property management and operations providers to other property managements across London.

What do you think are the biggest challenges in managing staff in the hospitality industry?

I think at the moment It’s recruitment in the first place. I think that's a challenge which ourselves,
our partners, facing at the moment, but I think it's very to be open for the employees, to listen to them.

What I would definitely advise is to keep our team motivated. I think having a very clear information about what the expectations, setting up the targets, keep them motivated, growing and developing.

If our team members are happy, they’re gonna be more beneficial to our company and they are going to feel valued. So I think that, after, shows at the work, which they’re doing for us.

How do you do those things? How do you engage them better give them this experience that will make them stick longer? Are you using technologies or methods that you're using internally for that?

I think the most important thing is to listen to the feedbacks. If there is any valuable ideas, then actually to introduce it.

They are on the frontline, if we're talking about the coordinators or the field operators, many times when they are expressing to us their struggles, we can actually find a solution which gonna make their life better, but also we can become more efficient.

They feel they are involved as well because we are counting on their feedback and we actually try making their lives better based on what they say.
So yeah, once again, I think listening to them and and making them involved in day to day of every company is very important.

One tip or something you wish you knew earlier that you want to share with new business owners and new boutique hotels owners and so on.

I think to really listen to your employees and take the feedback on board.
Because once again, when they are happy, they’re gonna lead your business to success, so taking care of your employees is equal to taking care of your business.