Leveraging mobile devices to engage non-desk employees

Kamal Pradhan | VP of HR Technology at Signify Health

About this episode

Kamal Pradhan, VP of HR technology at Signify Health, shares insights on leveraging mobile devices to engage non-desk employees and emphasizes the importance of understanding business needs before taking on a managerial role.

Episode Transcript

Kamal Pradhan. I'm a VP of HR technology at Signify Health.

In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges of HR today?

Whenever technology comes in, we think about I.T doing the work, but I.T necessarily doesn't really know HR. I think bridging that gap is where I come in.

How can we increase the HR aspects, the engagement, experience, communication with employees that are not in front of a computer?

I think mobile devices are very easy to communicate and they're at their fingertips.
And I think for those non desk employees, the best way is to leverage that technology, giving information at the fingertips and so that we can enable them to do their actual job and not worry about “I got to make an appointment with HR, with my manager…” I think that's where the technology comes in.

Your best stepped a new HR managers, managers in general, business owners.
Something that you wish that you knew earlier.

Number one, I would say is learn the business.
Number two is know what the exact need is. You know, no matter what your background is and see how you can help them first before trying to put yourself in those shoes and say, I'm just going to be a manager or HR person.
You know, I think that that would be my two tips I can share with you.