Hiring a new employee to join your company is an exciting time! Until you need to go through the process of on-boarding and training the new hire, that can get complicated and expensive. That’s why so many companies have switched to using online employee training.

Training software is always accessible for the employee, whenever he or she needs it. And if an employee needs more time or wants to review a particular topic multiple times, they can freely do so. This helps remove the embarrassment of saying you don’t understand or need something to be repeated, training software works at the pace the employee needs. 

As a manager, you know that training isn’t a one-time assignment, but is an on-going task that is usually taken in small strides. Plus, using online employee training only costs you a one-time fee so when you need to offer more training and soft skills, you can boost the training you do because it comes at no added cost. Still not convinced? We elaborate even more as to the importance of employee training software and why Connecteam is trusted by so many companies as their training software solution. 

Why you need employee training software: 

training feedback capability via Connecteam's employee app

  • Reduce costs and save time

A major advantage of using online employee training is the direct impact it has on your bottom line. You don’t have to stress over the expenses that usually come with in-person training – for example, save on printing costs as an online solution needs to be updated only once and you don’t spend anything additional to print or reprint new materials. Also, an online solution is a one-time fee so you don’t have to spend money over and over to hire a trainer. 

Apart from reducing costs, you save time with an online solution. All course creation, updates and actual training time dramatically less because of employee training software. Your employees can study when it’s best for them and at their own pace, instead of wasting time traveling or sitting in a classroom. As things change, you can update the course material accordingly so that everything is logged in real-time. Additionally, save time with a trainer as they need to record and create material once and that’s it, there is no need to hire the trainer multiple times. 

  • A more efficient on-boarding process

Instead of scheduling a day and time to onboard new employees, you can spread the material in just a couple of clicks. Through a user-friendly interface, you can edit training material and send access to the relevant employee. Your new hire receives all the materials needed in real-time on his or her first day, instead of waiting days or weeks or even for the next training session.

In addition, you can monitor progress and can issue tests to check an employee understands what was covered. Plus, this helps you build standardization throughout the company, branches and departments.

  • Better engagement and visibility 

Online employee training creates an efficient channel for communication between managers and employees and encourages interaction. Managers can send push notifications to remind employees to complete a particular section of training, can alert employees of new material or quizzes and more. Additionally, an online forum allows employees to interact in real-time when they have questions. This boosts productivity and prepares your staff for on-the-job success.

  • Lower turnover

A lot of companies are faced with high turnover, however, when you use employee training software properly from the get-go, you will help job satisfaction across the board. Good on-boarding will lower turnover of new employees in the first three months.

training on Connecteam

What makes Connecteam’s online employee training so unique?

  • Easy to use and relevant for all employees

Connecteam’s training software doesn’t require any training, it’s so easy to use that employees just need to download the app and GO. This saves you both valuable time. And because it’s so easy to use, Connecteam is perfect if you have temporary, seasonal, deskless and millennial employees – it’s just what they’re looking for. 

  • Use your own material

Creating courses for training is easy to do on Connecteam because you have the ability to use existing material! From documents, PDF files, media, and even web-services, including YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive or your company website.

security guard app knowledge base

  • Build a quiz

During a course or just to improve professional skills, you can create a quiz to send to your employees to ensure they understand the content at hand. 

  • Create a knowledge hub

Use Connecteam’s adaptable libraries to create a knowledge hub for your team, which they can access at anytime. It’s easy to search for what you need – employee handbook, company policies, procedures, tips or anything else that’s needed. 

  • Build it how you want

Connecteam’s employee training software is super user-friendly because you can divide training into sections or chapters. Additionally, course completion is totally visual so that way your employees can track their progress. Plus, all courses can be picked up where an employee left off for the actual on-the-go experience.

  • Monitor as needed

Via the admin dashboard, managers can monitor all activity and progress to ensure training is completed and understood. View an employee’s course completion status, overall progress or per specific item, send focused push notifications, filter lists by profile attributes and export information when needed. 

  • Communicate and gain feedback with in-app features

Your employees can ask for more information via the suggestion box, and can even share their ideas about the training process. Create a survey and send to relevant employees to discover their thoughts on how training is going, your employees are undergoing training and may have some ideas on how to change things. 

You can also create a specific group chat after training so your employees can discuss and ask questions. 

training app for employees

  • Job scheduling included

If you choose to have a face-to-face then your employees can monitor the session right from the job scheduling feature. For no added cost, you can take advantage of Connecteam’s many features to enhance the training process. 

Connecteam’s employee training software is easy to use, highly customizable and delivers the total package. It’s a no-brainer for you to try out a free plan to test out all our features!

Connecteam’s mobile-first training sets a new standard

On-boarding new employees, routine training, regulatory courses or even providing professional skills to deskless employees is easy and affordable! Your new employee training software starts at just $29/month!

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