Use our fixed assets audit internal controls checklist template as a starting point to customize yours to fit your company.
Fixed Assets Audit Internal Controls Checklist

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Fixed Assets Audit Internal Controls Checklist
Internal controls are essential for safeguarding fixed assets, ensuring accurate financial reporting, and preventing fraud.
This checklist outlines key internal controls that should be in place during a fixed assets audit to maintain the integrity of asset data and financial records.
Fixed Assets Audit Internal Controls Checklist
General Information:
[ ] Audit Date: __________
[ ] Audit Team Members: __________
Asset Documentation and Records:
Asset Register:
[ ] Verify the existence of an up-to-date asset register.
[ ] Confirm that asset details in the register match physical assets.
[ ] Ensure proper authorization for changes to the asset register.
Acquisition Records:
[ ] Review purchase orders and invoices for asset acquisitions.
[ ] Check for evidence of proper approvals and receipts.
Disposal Records:
[ ] Verify documentation for asset disposals, including sales and write-offs.
[ ] Confirm proper approvals and supporting documents.
Depreciation Records:
[ ] Review depreciation schedules and calculations.
[ ] Ensure compliance with accounting standards.
Asset Physical Verification:
Asset Tags and Labels:
[ ] Confirm that assets are labeled with identification tags.
[ ] Ensure tags are securely attached and include necessary information.
Asset Location:
[ ] Physically locate and inspect assets in their assigned locations.
[ ] Verify that assets are in their documented places.
Condition Assessment:
[ ] Assess the condition of assets, noting any damage or wear.
[ ] Document assets that appear obsolete or no longer in use.
Asset Ownership and Responsibility:
Ownership Assignment:
[ ] Verify that each asset is assigned to the appropriate department or individual.
[ ] Ensure documentation supports ownership assignments.
Asset Transfers:
[ ] Review records of asset transfers between departments or locations.
[ ] Confirm proper approvals and documentation for transfers.
Asset Disposal and Write-Off Controls:
Disposal Authorization:
[ ] Confirm that disposals are authorized by relevant personnel.
[ ] Review documentation supporting disposal decisions.
Write-Off Procedures:
[ ] Verify that write-offs are based on valid reasons and properly documented.
[ ] Ensure that write-offs are approved by authorized personnel.
Depreciation Control:
Depreciation Calculation:
[ ] Review depreciation calculations and methods used.
[ ] Ensure consistency with accounting standards.
Approval for Depreciation Changes:
[ ] Confirm that any changes in depreciation methods or rates are properly authorized.
[ ] Review documentation supporting changes.
Asset Reconciliation:
Reconciliation Process:
[ ] Verify the existence of a periodic reconciliation process between the asset register and financial records.
[ ] Ensure reconciliation discrepancies are investigated and resolved.
Segregation of Duties:
Authorization and Custody:
[ ] Confirm segregation of duties between those responsible for asset authorization and custody.
Record Keeping and Asset Handling:
[ ] Ensure separation of responsibilities for maintaining records and handling physical assets.
Audit Findings and Recommendations:
[ ] Summarize audit findings related to internal controls.
[ ] Provide recommendations for strengthening internal controls and addressing any control weaknesses.
[ ] Lead Auditor: __________ Date: __________
[ ] Audit Team Member: __________ Date: __________
[ ] Reviewed by (if applicable): __________ Date: __________
The Fixed Assets Audit Internal Controls Checklist outlines key control measures to ensure the accuracy and security of fixed asset data.
By implementing and monitoring these controls, organizations can maintain the integrity of their asset records, prevent fraud, and ensure compliance with accounting standards, contributing to effective asset management and financial reporting.
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