The challenges HR faces today in adapting to new technology and changing employee priorities

About this episode

Ash Gerlach, Founding Member at Myriad, talks about the challenges HR faces today in adapting to new technology and changing employee priorities.

Episode Transcript

Hi, my name is Ash Gerlach. I'm on the founding team of a company called Myriad. We are building a B2B marketplace, connecting small HR emerging tech to small businesses.

What do you think are the biggest HR challenges today?

We are rebuilding what it means to be connected to the workplace. HR has been really behind for a long time when it comes to technology, when it comes to what people want. And the pandemic really encouraged us to look at, okay, how do we change so that we can make work a part of our lives rather than being our entire lives?

70% of the world's workers are actually not sitting in front of a desk or computer. How can these type of businesses still engage with their employees, still create this type of experience?

Understanding where people's priorities are and how work fits in with their lives. And so if you're actually communicating with your employees in an effective way, you're showing them that you care. Like that's ultimately what's going to connect them to the workplace. And I think that's what we're understanding now, is that people are more fluid with their workplaces. Gen Z is not interested in staying in a company for 17 years. That's not where their family is. And so how do you acknowledge the new values of the new generation and say it's okay that you've been somewhere for two years, one year, six months... And so it's really being okay with that transfer of skills to a new space and upskilling workers when you need to.

One tip for new HR managers, general managers, something that you wish you knew earlier.

We get to continue to build this world, and I think we should be creative when we do it.