Work chats and private chats don’t mix

Limited capabilities make instant messaging apps like WhatsApp a poor choice for work communication. Discover Connecteam’s professional and secure chat built for business

Trusted by Over 50,000 Companies Worldwide

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IM apps expose organizations to legal risks

Employers are held accountable for inappropriate and offensive content sent in WhatsApp groups beyond their control. Connecteam chat lets you moderate chat groups to keep the conversation professional and relevant.

Don’t risk leaking sensitive information

Former employees remain with business information saved on their phones, whether they left the chat group or not. Connecteam keeps business information strictly within the company, secured in the cloud, and not stored on phones.

Separate personal from professional

Important tasks from managers shouldn’t appear in the same place as casual chats. Connecteam separates the professional from the personal, reducing noise and ensuring employees attention remains focused on what drives business.

Save work chat for work hours

View each user’s current status and schedule messages for their next clock-in/shift to ensure work communications only occur during work hours and stay compliant.

Connecteam chat interface

Move work chats to a professional, efficient, and secure platform

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