Take control and save time with our staff scheduling app

Instantly create and share schedules with your non-desk staff and ensure every shift runs smoothly from one place

Man Smiling with a screenshot of Connecteam's Scheduling feature

Trusted by Over 50,000 Companies Worldwide

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What our customers love most

step 1: PLANNING

Create optimal staff schedules with ease

  • Quickly build schedules with templates, duplications, and recurring shifts
  • Have full visibility of your staff’s availability, qualifications, time off, and preferences
  • Avoid costly mistakes by setting regulatory limitations and spotting inconsistencies
  • Guarantee equal shift distribution and avoid conflicts like double bookings
screenshot of Connecteam's Scheduling feature


Publish staff schedules and get immediate feedback

  • Share schedules your staff can access via the app in seconds
  • Boost employee accountability and reduce back-and-forth by having staff accept or reject shifts
  • Communicate any scheduling changes instantly
Driver picture with screenshots of the Connecteam scheduling feature

step 3: DAY-TO-DAY

Manage daily operations with one staff schedule app

  • Automate shift reminders to ensure full staffing and prevent no-shows. A no-show occurred? Find quick replacements via the app
  • Ditch calls, text, and notes and reach your staff instantly via in-app chat and updates
  • Give staff mobile access to all the information they need to succeed
  • Get real-time insights from the field with digital forms and checklists
screenshot of Connecteam's Scheduling feature


Prepare for payroll and invoicing

  • Record accurate work hours by having staff clock in from their phones
  • Instantly calculate overtime, breaks, and time off
  • Directly export timesheets to payroll providers
  • Track time spent on projects and jobs for easy billing and invoicing
screenshot of Connecteam's Scheduling feature

No more scheduling issues

Avoid conflicts, distribute quickly, and keep your staff always up-to-date

A BIG deal for small businesses

Connecteam is 100% free for up to 10 users!

Connecteam’s employee scheduling app is an easy way to create, manage, and share optimal employee schedules for your non-desk team to access right from their mobile phones. Ranked as one of the best employee scheduling apps, Connecteam offers unique tools to simplify your entire scheduling process and easily avoid costly scheduling mistakes. The scheduling app allows you to instantly reach all the right staff members via your in-app chat, add instructions to each shift or job, and maintain a clear overview of your employees’ availability and qualifications. Overall, Connecteam’s employee scheduling app allows you to save valuable time, keep everyone on the same page, and include all the information your employees need to succeed throughout the workday right at their fingertips. So, if you’re looking for a way to manage your non-desk employee schedules, Connecteam’s employee scheduling app is the easiest and most affordable solution for you.