More Than Just an Employee Handbook Builder

Personalize your company knowledge base to reflect your brand!

  • Ready to use employee handbook templates
  • End-to-end data encryption
  • No storage limitation
  • GDPR Aligned
  • ISO 27001
man looking at his phone with a screenshot of Connecteam's knowledge base feature

Trusted by Over 50,000 Companies Worldwide

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Meet all your employee needs and goals

Customizable employee handbooks

A user-friendly, mobile-first solution

Analytical and reporting tools

Create employee handbooks for your needs

Customize personalized interactive content needed for employees to perform at their very best, whether it’s company employee policy handbooks, manuals, or training materials.

Knowledge center app for your business

Keep your business safe and compliant

Ensure everyone completes and acknowledges what is asked of them. Easily keeping your business safe and compliant.

Screenshot of the Connecteam Training feature

Optimize training & onboarding
with one powerful app


Reduction in compliance


Reduction in
training costs


Faster time
to competence

Make manuals easy for employees to consume

Grant your front line mobile access to all the information they need to work effectively and cohesively – from employee handbooks to manuals – enhancing productivity and performance.

Employee using his phone with screenshot of the Connecteam Training feature

Communicate information with no hassle

It takes just a few clicks to publish visually-appealing employee handbooks that reflect your company’s policies and culture in an engaging way.

reflect your company culture and values

Tales of success

What our clients have to say

David Glover, Micah Nisley, and Mandy Mann

It’s been really great to see what’s going on in a store rather than having to go and visit physically

Mandy Mann

Director of Operations

With Connecteam I can see exactly what everyone's doing at any given time

Micah Nisley

Franchise Owner

Making people feel part of a team is fundamental for retaining them. Connecteam allows us to do that.

David Glover

Joint CEO

A Single Space for All Company Knowledge

Easily store, manage, and share documents, anytime, from anywhere

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Basics of Employment
  • Workplace Policies
  • Code of Conduct
  • Employee Policy Handbook
  • Compensation
  • Benefits and Perks
  • Working Hours, PTO and Vacation
  • Resignation and Termination

We recommend having legal counsel review your employee handbook before you make it public for your employees.

Yes. Our employee handbook template is easy to fill out so that you can easily build the best employee handbook for your business. However, be sure to change the language to better match your company culture.

With Connecteam, you and your managers can easily create engaging and interactive employee handbooks. Each handbook made, can be saved as a template for future use!

Yes. Everyone gets a 14-day free trial to use all of Connecteam’s knowledge base features. After the trial ends, you can opt for the free plan or subscribe to a premium plan to continue using all of Connecteam’s knowledge base features. 

Connecteam’s knowledge base acts as your digital library where you can store files accessible to your employees from anywhere. Connecteam’s knowledge base is easily searchable and always up to date. 

Types of data stored in Connecteam’s knowledge base: 

  • Manuals and guides
  • Instructional videos 
  • Client information and contracts 
  • Employee handbooks 
  • Catalogs and menus 
  • Equipment and inventory lists
  • So much more 

These files won’t slow down your employees’ devices since the files aren’t stored on the employees’ phones. Managers can ensure the information in the knowledge base is protected by limiting downloads and file sharing. 

If an employee leaves the company for any reason, they are no longer able to access the knowledge base, protecting the company from data leaks. 

See how aligning staff knowledge becomes easy with Connecteam