HSE Risk Assessment Template


The HSE Risk Assessment Template is an essential tool for ensuring health, safety, and environmental protection in the workplace.

Designed for a broad range of industries, this template guides you through identifying, evaluating, and mitigating potential HSE risks.

It’s structured to be easily customizable, providing a comprehensive approach to proactively managing HSE concerns.

HSE Risk Assessment Template

Date of Assessment: __________________
Assessment Conducted By: __________________
Location/Area of Assessment: __________________
Review Date: __________________

Hazard Identification

Hazard Type (e.g., chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic): _________________________
Source of Hazard: _________________________________
Potential Health, Safety, or Environmental Impact: _________________________________

Risk Analysis

Persons at Risk (e.g., employees, contractors, public): _______________________________
Probability of Occurrence (scale e.g., low/medium/high): ______________________________
Severity of Potential Impact (scale e.g., low/medium/high): _____________________________
Risk Rating (e.g., low/medium/high): _________________________________

Existing Control Measures

Current Controls in Place: _________________________________
Effectiveness of Current Controls: _________________________________

Further Risk Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required: _________________________________
Implementation Plan: _________________________________
Person Responsible: _________________________________
Timeline for Implementation: _________________________________

Environmental Considerations

Impact on Local Environment and Ecosystem: _________________________________
Waste Management and Pollution Control Measures: _________________________________

Health and Safety Considerations

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements: _________________________________
Emergency Procedures (e.g., spill response, evacuation): _________________________________

Monitoring and Review

Monitoring Procedures: _________________________________
Scheduled Review Date: _________________________________

Additional Comments:



Assessor’s Signature: __________________ Date: __________________
Approval Signature (if applicable): __________________ Date: __________________


Implementing this HSE Risk Assessment Template can lead to a safer, more compliant, and environmentally responsible workplace.

It guides professionals in systematically addressing potential risks, ensuring that health, safety, and environmental considerations are integrated into everyday practices and decision-making processes.

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