Some people are born leaders, but most are not. Many leaders, managers, and supervisors in today’s new workplace culture have to hone their leadership skills. Whether you are born a leader or not, certain tools can assist you in leading a diverse team.

There are tools available that can make it easier to boost productivity, increase employee engagement and morale, reduce misunderstandings, better customer service, streamline internal communication and so much more. What tool are we going on about? An employee communications app!

Red e App SHRM Communications Survey Infographic

Just like the infographic above pointed out, many managers are now using an employee communications app to easily and effectively lead their employees. Let’s learn how:

Transparent communication

The best leaders excel at communication. Managers who practice good communication give the team a sense that the manager is in control and sees the bigger picture. Good communication also fosters role clarity, a predictor of job satisfaction. When workers are not clear on what their roles are, they are likely to experience individual stress as well as the tension between their fellow workers. When a manager role models transparent, positive, and clear communication, the team is likely to follow suit, leading to a more harmonious workplace.

An employee app assists in transparent communication by allowing managers to send a variety of content to their employees in a few ways. Managers can send a secure private or group message directly through the app. They can also send push notifications to one specific employee, a whole department, or to all employees’ devices. This flexibility allows for the right type of communication with the appropriate audience.

Distance learning

The majority of people nowadays are non-office employees and this is trending to rise. How do you lead employees who you don’t physically see on a regular basis? Do as any manager would do, and encourage curiosity and learning, which can be done remotely.

Employee communication apps encourage learning and drive progress through specific features within the app. Like Connecteam, these apps give managers the ability to create training, learning, and onboarding programs that employees can complete on their own. There is also the option to create online libraries of information, such as stock inventory for retail stores. Through the apps, managers can also provide remote access to important company documentation such as catalogs, price lists, and more.

Give and receive employee feedback

One of the hardest things in both our personal and professional life is to receive criticism. However, when it’s constructive and meant to improve performance or team atmosphere, then it’s good and necessary. Managers must be adept at both giving and receiving feedback to and from workers. Employee apps make it easier for managers to provide meaningful feedback while getting it back as well. Apps like Connecteam make it possible for managers to view employees’ progress and process compliance, then provide valuable feedback to workers based on this data.

These apps also allow employees to send direct feedback to management through text, video or images. Managers can create surveys and polls to receive feedback from employees on a variety of topics: general employee satisfaction, safety issues, new products and services and team or company events. When you allow employees’ voices to be heard, they in turn feel a sense of ownership and investment in their job and the company as a whole.

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Woman looking at her phone and smiling with a screenshot of an update from Connecteam app

Make workforce communication simple

When employees are clear on their job responsibilities, they are much more likely to perform well. On the contrary, when a worker is not performing well, research tells us that it’s because they aren’t clear on their role. Ensuring role clarity is even more important for non-desk workers since they have to work independently with little or no in-person contact with coworkers or supervisors. Staff communications apps make this easier by allowing managers to create pre-defined checklists for work processes, thus simplifying employees’ roles and responsibilities. Each work process checklist can have a number of steps to ensure compliance.

For example, if your employees are auto body shop workers and you want to create a process for them to use when they are checking the damage to a car, you can define what you want them to check (door exterior, headlights, bumper) and various conditions associated with that part (damaged, good, excellent). You can also include image and video uploads as part of the checklist to ensure compliance and customer satisfaction.

Leading is no simple task. The best leaders act in the service of their employees to foster trust, support, and open communication. Whether a born leader or not, maintaining leadership skills takes time and effort. These days, there’s an app for everything, even leading and communicating with a team.

Employee communications apps assist managers and supervisors to lead employees with ease by simplifying roles and responsibilities, ensuring clear communication, encouraging learning and progress, and providing a forum for valuable feedback. With the right tools and effort, any leader can serve their team to drive engagement, growth, and team spirit.

Better your internal communication with Connecteam

Connecteam is your tool to manage employee engagement, development, and relationship. You can streamline communication, give your employees a platform to be heard, boost engagement, strengthen the company culture, build professional skills and so much more.

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