Restaurant Food Hygiene Inspection Checklist Template


Maintaining proper food hygiene is essential in the restaurant industry to ensure the safety and well-being of customers.

This Food Hygiene Inspection Checklist is designed to help restaurant owners and managers assess their establishment’s adherence to food safety and hygiene standards.

Restaurant Food Hygiene Inspection Checklist

General Information:

Restaurant Name: __________

Date of Inspection: __________

Inspector’s Name: __________

Food Storage and Handling:


 [  ] Ensure refrigerators are at or below 40°F (4°C).

 [  ] Regularly check and record fridge temperatures.

 [  ] Store raw meats below cooked foods to prevent cross-contamination.


 [  ] Keep freezers at or below 0°F (-18°C).

 [  ] Check and record freezer temperatures regularly.

 [  ] Label and date all frozen items.

Food Rotation:

 [  ] Use the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) method for food storage.

 [  ] Regularly inspect and discard expired or spoiled items.

Cross-Contamination Prevention:

 [  ] Separate cutting boards, utensils, and prep areas for raw and cooked foods.

 [  ] Wash hands and equipment thoroughly between tasks.

Safe Thawing:

 [  ] Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator, cold water, or a microwave, never at room temperature.

Personal Hygiene:


 [  ] Ensure all employees wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.

 [  ] Set up handwashing stations with soap and disposable towels.

Gloves and Hairnets:

 [  ] Require kitchen staff to wear gloves when handling food.

 [  ] All staff should wear hairnets or head coverings.

Food Preparation:

Cooking Temperatures:

 [  ] Use a food thermometer to ensure meats and poultry reach their safe internal temperatures.

 [  ] Check against FDA guidelines for specific foods.

Clean Surfaces:

 [  ] Regularly sanitize cutting boards, countertops, and kitchen equipment.

 [  ] Use separate cutting boards for different types of foods.

No Bare-Hand Contact:

 [  ] Avoid touching ready-to-eat foods with bare hands.

 [  ] Use utensils or gloves when handling these items.

Storage and Labeling:

Food Labeling:

 [  ] Clearly label all food containers with the date of preparation and use-by date.

 [  ] Label any allergens present in the dish.

Food Allergen Separation:

 [  ] Keep allergenic ingredients separate from non-allergenic ingredients.

 [  ] Train staff to recognize and accommodate food allergies.

Cleaning and Sanitization:

Regular Cleaning Schedule:

 [  ] Establish a cleaning schedule for all areas, including the kitchen, dining area, and restrooms.

 [  ] Use food-safe cleaning products.


 [  ] Ensure dishwashers reach the appropriate water temperature and use the correct sanitizing agents.

 [  ] Air-dry dishes and utensils in a clean area.

Pest Control:

 [  ] Regularly inspect for signs of pests.

 [  ] Implement pest control measures and keep records.

Employee Training:

 [  ] Train all staff in food safety practices, including food handling, hygiene, and emergency response.

Emergency Preparedness:

 [  ] Develop and practice a plan for handling foodborne illness outbreaks or other emergencies.

 [  ] Maintain a well-stocked first aid kit and ensure staff know its location.

Health Monitoring:

[  ] Require employees to report any illnesses or symptoms related to foodborne illnesses.

Documentation and Records:

 [  ] Maintain records of food storage temperatures, cleaning schedules, and employee training.


The Restaurant Food Hygiene Inspection Checklist is a critical tool to ensure that your restaurant consistently follows best practices for food safety and hygiene.

Regular inspections using this checklist will help identify and rectify any potential food safety issues, maintaining a safe and healthy dining environment for your customers.

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