Maintain a healthy and safe workplace

Protect your business and ensure employees safety with one complete solution, featuring leading indicator tracking, incident reduction, and risk management

  • No credit card needed
  • Best ease of use
  • GDPR Aligned
  • ISO 27001
  • SOC 2 certified
An employee with screenshots of the Connecteam Scheduling feature

Join the 50,000+ Companies Staying Safe with Connecteam

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Keep your employees alerted on urgent matters

Easily send push notifications directly to your relevant staff’s mobile devices and receive read receipts to ensure they are in the loop.

screenshot of Connecteam app


Equip your workforce with safety skills

Train your employees on safety and refresh their skills through mobile-friendly training you can track and ensure they are prepared for the unexpected.

screenshot of Connecteam app

Impacts of a safe and healthy workplace


Fewer safety incidents


Decrease in absenteeism


Fewer equipment breakdowns


Respond quicker to safety hazards

Stay on top of dangers with real-time reporting from your team. Receive automatic reports and alerts via mobile or email and ensure smooth operations with minimal disruptions.

screenshot of Connecteam app


Make safety resources readily available

Centralize and manage up-to-date information from various file formats on one digital platform employees can easily access from anywhere.

An employee with screenshots of the Connecteam app

I was surprised by all of the features Connecteam had to offer, like having digital forms we didn’t know such a thing existed and that it could be done so easily.

Read the full story

Ready to raise safety awareness in your organization?

Manage team safety from anywhere, anytime

Start for Free